{giveaway} Guess that Gender

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by WyntyrRaevyn, May 7, 2018.

  1. !Hello EMC!
    Today I'm writing you with some very good news and an event to mark the occasion. As of the time I'm writing this I am 13 weeks pregnant! Yes you heard that right, the resident ice queen of smp7 is going to have a kid. And in 5 weeks time on June 8th I have an ultrasound scheduled at which time I can find out the gender of this little bundle. Which brings me to the event info that probably brought you to view this thread in the first place: the giveaway.

    How this works is easy. If you want to participate hop on over to /v 15946 on /smp7 and go in the house. If you think my child will be a boy buy a blue wool. If your team girl, buy a pink wool. Don't worry the wools are only 1r, the shop is just to keep track of contestants easier. Once you have your choice rename the wool with your user name and then toss it in the corresponding coloured chest.
    On the evening of Friday June 8th I will reveal the what my little nugget is and toss all the names of the winning gender into random.org and the top three names will be awarded with prizes.

    *1st will be a Turkey Slicer if a boy or a Cupids bow if its a girl. As well as a Wyn head
    *2nd person will get 5k and a Wyn head
    *3rd person will get 2500 and a Wyn head.

    I only have a couple rules to follow: You can only rename ONE wool. if you try to win by choosing both colours you will be disqualified. please play fairly and only choose one colour.
    And while I cannot check to see who is an alt and who is not, I strongly discourage the use of alts.
    Other than that have fun!

    Much love ~ Wyn <3
  2. congratulations on this wonderful news :D !
  3. congratulations!!
  4. Congrats, I'd vote, but I'm not easily on.
    Meh, sneaking on anyway.
  5. Congratulations !!
  6. Woot! Congrats :D
    This is a cool giveaway idea
  7. Congratulations!
  8. Congratz :)
    I would swap it though... cupid bow for guys and turkey slicer for gals... Far more acurate in my experience :rolleyes:
  9. Congrats Wyn I am so happy on your new baby :)
  10. Congrats! Is there a "happy and healthy" wool color? That's my wish for your baby.

    -jaqque, owner of a couple of kids a few of which are in college
  11. Gratz Wyn. And I can tell you what it is right now.

    "The new ruler of the house, weather it be a boy or girl. " :p
  12. Congratulations on your future bundle of joy Wyntyr! :D
  13. I think there'll be more than only joy to be found, but hopefully it'll be okay. :p
  14. What if I think it will be an attack helicopter? :eek:

    For the Wyn! (HA!)
    Sydney_43 and WyntyrRaevyn like this.