My Refrigerator Set a Pizza Box on Fire

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Slvr, Nov 27, 2017.

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  1. I consider this part of the Murphy's Law curse. But upon further investigation...

    I blame EvilToade.
  2. Why in the hells are you ordering Papa Johns? Aren't there any local awesome pizza joints near you?!? What barbaric edge of civilization are you on? :confused:
  3. It's Peyton Manning endorsed pizza though..
  4. National chains know how to make money, not pizza :p
    Power to the pizzafarians! ;)
    We3_MPO, BenMA, DufTheHalls and 8 others like this.
  5. Oi! I quite like Papa John's and their garlic butter that comes with their pizza.

    Also, to anyone who might be wondering (I know, who cares, right?) the light fixture had come loose and was laying on the box while I was organizing stuff in the fridge. It got hot enough to burn the box and set it on fire. The light has since been removed.
  6. Now how are you suppose to see what you're grabbing for your midnight snack?
  7. Idk man. It's tough.
  8. I have never seen this before! Well, guess I have now seen it.....I am glad you are ok and your house didn't burn down....That could've been pretty dangerous.....On a side not Peyton Manning.....EW... Glad my Team got Lucky with Luck (yes pun intended) Now Eli Manning I love my little Eli but his brother Peyton I can't stand him.....Oh well to each their own.

    Also the garlic butter that comes with the PaPa Johns Pizza is FREAKING SWEET AWESOME SAUCE!

    That is all
    607 and Murphys__Law like this.
  9. I love PapaJohns.
    padde73 and Murphys__Law like this.
  10. I'm surrounded by pizzaheretics.
  11. Wow hahahaha, go send Toade to a quiet corner of the swamp so he can cool down a little =P
  12. Yo local pizza joints are THE BEST. Especially on Long Island, where we know how to make pizza the right way. You heretics and Papa Johns. Enjoy the paper cheese, blood sauce, and leather bread.

    You aren't alone, i'm joining in the circle with you.
  13. Lol Slvr, never seen that happen before...
    MoreMoople likes this.
  14. Pizza chains are different in the Netherlands anyway. But from what I'm reading, I suppose Papa John's might be comparable to Domino's. :p
    PetezzaDawg and khixan like this.
  15. Little Ceaser's is the best. No one diss it D: oo and pizza hut.
    Harp4Christ and MoreMoople like this.
  16. I vomited in my mouth a little.
  17. You make me vomit in my mouth.:mad:

  18. I hope you will repair the fixture rather than leaving the socket open since it could be dangerous. If I were concerned about heat I would replace the old bulb with an LED.
    We3_MPO, khixan, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  19. *laughtrack*
  20. My life is a laugh track.
    And y'all have defective Papa John's. Just saying.
    khixan likes this.
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