Changes for brand new members

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. Did you really have to go there? It was kind of offensive to albino_donkey
  2. Brilliant, now can't wait to see good quality people that actually deserve to be here coming through :)
  3. JUSTICE!!!

    and on another note, i remember when i first signed up i was homeless and stranded on a small man-made island in the utopia wild. then with smp2 i got a really nice home near the spawn, then with the utopia, then smp3 (which i haven't even visited yet), and now smp4! wow, I cant wait until the empire grows to maybe, say, smp10? either way i have a feeling that buxville (which i think is overly complicated and too hard to even get off the ground) will have some competition! good luck Justin! and of course, the other mods and staff. happy holidays! :)
  4. 2 things:


    ...pant, pant, pant...

    Ok, 2) I think this is a brilliant move by the admin/mods. I was getting fed up with how many people just skipped the guide and asked dumb questions in-game. Personally, I just skimmed through it to get through the tutorial, then read up on the different sections as questions arose in-game. Why do people never read game instructions anymore?
    That being said, yes, quality over quantity anytime. The higher-quality we are, the more people will want to join us. Also, higher-quality players are less likely to be the idiot-douchebag types that infect so many good online games and servers (I'm not naming names, but I've seen a few in my day <.<).

    Thanks so much guys! Mad props to you! :D
  5. I have screenshots of this. Should I send them to you Justin, or another mod/admin?
  6. GameKribJEREMY is usually the best :)
  7. Got it. Thanks Justin.
  8. i dont know why people cant just follow the tutorial i was happy there was one that was so helpful instead of other servers that ignore you to oblivion and barely have an ingame /help guide i kinda liked being able to jump right in without needing to register and having the 1000rp as incentive but if it will trim the fat then hell yea im down, cut to the bone if you have to
    Dark_Liz likes this.
  9. I would be very funny if new players were stubborn to see the empire guide and take 3 hours to get out of tutorial
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  10. I know it kind of dicorages new members but now that we are expanding i would make an online app or test. Alot of other servers do to prevent griefing. That may help ensure new members actually learn the new rules.
  11. I still think they should start with X amount of rupees and have 100 deducted for every wrong answer. If they get to a negative balance they should be kicked and told to come back tomorrow when they will have 100 more rupees ( ie one chance to get a question wrong! )
  12. You'd be surprised at how long some people spend in the tutorial... just mindlessly trying one corridor after another without even reading the signs... and sometimes even trying the same corridors more than once, lol.
  13. That's a decent idea. Something like this could be quite functional I think.

    I've come up with a few ideas along those lines as well. I hadn't thought of making a rupee penalty like you suggest though. That idea has some potential.

    But really, it comes down to what's the simplest thing to do at the moment. It takes huge amounts of work to program stuff like that, and there are other priorities.

    Perhaps one day we'll see something like that implemented.
  14. Would it be right to penalise new players though? I understand the reasons behind it, but surely it would be better to help and guide the new players rather than take rupees away?
    albino_donkey and BloodDisciple like this.
  15. But it would be helping in guiding them, just in a more stricter way. It will be ensuring that they do read the guide to find the answers, and hopefully then will people understand what the rules are fully :)
  16. Yeah, if we don't make it real many people will just sluff the info off if they can.

    The possibility of losing money is real for most people... as is the possibility of not being allowed to enter without having to answer the questions and know the information (not really the most difficult thing in the world).

    And really, the tutorial is easy. There's almost no excuse for getting even one wrong answer.
  17. umm

    I still like my idea, if they get 3 answers wrong they get banned for an hour with a message:


    Really we need to force the hand a bit. The guide is there, and like previous posters stated, other servers don't even have that and they expect people to still get around with out any help. We're providing them a way to get those basic answers out of the way "How do I claim a lot?", "How do I get to my house?", "Where is an open residence?" I mean really?? Those are answered in the first pages of the guide! If it was me, I'd kick them for an hour with the same message especially if they've only been on for a few minutes. Next thing they're going to say is "Can I have some rupees/items/whatever else they're lazy about." People do that all the time in other MMO games, they beg for in-game money and have no shame what so ever... If they won't read the guide to get even their basic questions answered then they shouldn't be here. They'll be a dredge on the community. On top of that, if they're taking an hour guessing in the tutorial then it's just stupid. They're clearly not there to play in the community but cause problems. There should be a time limit on the tutorial as well. I say 15 - 30 minutes tops. If they can't get it in that time frame they should be kicked and a message states: "You need to read the guide if it's taking you this long. It's not that hard...really..." lol.

    Also, i think we should have a part in training them not to grief other people. There should be a chest at the end with a diamond block or something really expensive as they're leaving the tutorial section and if they take the diamond block out of the box it explodes...kills them, takes away all their rupees and items and then bans them for another hour with the message:


    Consider that a fair warning to them and call it good lol...If they actually pass the box and not look in it or if they look but they don't take the item then they should get a message that states.

    "Congrats! You just passed the Griefing test. The box behind you had valuable items in it but you left it alone. Be advised removing items from any boxes that aren't yours will result in a permanent ban."

    And yes, NOW I have been griefed...and I'm quite pissed about it...
  18. I agree with you Liz. The tutorial is really easy. As soon as it was added, I did /tutorial and tried it out. There is absolutely no reason anyone should get wrong answers if they have read the guide upon signing up.

    Heck I only looked at it once when I joined and then whenever there were updates to it, and I still remembered it all when the tutorial came along.

    Also, (might as well post this here): what really surprises me is that people who are out with the intention to cause trouble from the moment they join i.e. spamming, will actually go through the whole process of signing up, just to do that, its insane, and people who get kicks out of doing that are seriously messed up.

    Anyway thats my little rant at trouble makers :mad:

    Goodnight all :)
    lolkold likes this.
  19. Lol, and just who is going to be repairing all the damages done by the "bomb chests" to the tutorial?