I would like to appologize to the few people I have had bad encounters with over the last year. It deeply saddens me when looking back on those sad encounters. In every single encounter I could've absolutely reacted in a different way, but instead I overreacted in an immature, absurd manner. I have been doing a lot of self re-evauluation in rl and it is my goal to fix the majority of those strained relationships both in person as well ad here on EMC. I realize with forgiveness comes timen but I believe it ia worth it, as drama-free EMC is amazing. I will not mention names, however if you and me had a negative exchange of words and would like to at last resolve our past negative interaction, I ask that you reach out to me via Private Message on the forums as I wish to make things right. Please note that I will be sending out PMs to those I distinctly remember, however please-- dont hesitate to still reach out to me as it will take me a day or so to send out thoughtful PMs. Bestest of Regards-- Faded
Idk if we ever had a bad encounter. I tend to block 80% of my memory out from my mind. Though I think this is good that you wanna better yourself and the people around you. I wish I had courage to openly do this.
We never had any issues that I remember. And I do want to better myself and I am really wanting to fix all of the bridges I burned.
Yeah, same. Yeah I am guilty of this myself. I never had a bad encounter but I hope the guilt wares off for you.