[FORUM GAME?] Questions Only?

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Sep 17, 2017.


Did you get the aim of this game right away?

Perhaps? Did you? 9 vote(s) 36.0%
I'm not sure, what is it? 1 vote(s) 4.0%
Why is there even a poll? 15 vote(s) 60.0%
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  1. Do you truly believe 42 is indeed the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  2. I do, do you?
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  3. Taking my faith into account, could you really think I do? ;)
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  4. I have no faith, what can I believe? I believe I can believe in whatever I choose to believe, what do you think? Should I start spouting existential crises now?
    607 likes this.
  5. Yes you should, maybe I don't know, someone help?
  6. Do you think you'll be able to get the support you might need during such an existential crisis, so you might break down but will also be able to get yourself back up? :)
  7. Nooope, what about you?
  8. What would you say if I'd just hop inbetween your question and the answer?
    607 likes this.
  9. Did anyone expect this thread to go into topics like faith and existential crises? :p
  10. Did anyone expect this thread would even get any replies at all? :rolleyes:

    Sorry 607, I had to, do you mind? :p
    607 likes this.
  11. Do you suppose I was so sure about that myself? :p
  12. Why wouldn't we reply to this!?
  13. Were you replying to Slvr, Sach? If so, what did you mean by that question? :p Shouldn't you have said "Why would we?" instead?
  14. Why can't I just change back to my normal name already? Why did SMP8 have to bestow me with this unflattering name?
    607 likes this.
  15. Because you deserved it
    and what other name would you pick?
    LongJohnSlvrs likes this.
  16. Why are we talking about Slvr's name?
  17. Cause why aren't we talking about Slvr's name?
  18. Why did I read these last 7 pages of posts?
  19. Was it interesting?
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