Why 🌮's?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 607, Aug 17, 2017.



Poll closed Aug 20, 2017.
Sure. 22 vote(s) 81.5%
No, why? 5 vote(s) 18.5%
  1. I'm a proud Windows 7 user. :D
    ShelLuser, 607 and ThaKloned like this.
  2. On linux they are rather boring

    But def looks better on Mac with proper color.
    607 likes this.
  3. On my computer (Chrome + Windows 7) they look absolutely delicious! Look! :D

    EDIT: I seem to have managed to fix it... :D

    (I spent way too long on that - had to figure out a program I had never used before :D)
    GrowingMatt, 607 and ThaKloned like this.
  4. Idk I remember a couple days ago, I was messing around spreading the love of tacos... then the next day forums exploded with tacos... so Yeah, I'll happily take the responsibility for that lol

    Coincidence... I think NOT!
  5. Namely? :D (also: using the [plain] tag? Cute. ;))

    I really do think Aikar started it. ;)
  6. I first tried it with paint, but that didn't work. Then I tried it with Irfranview, because it looked like that could edit pictures, but that didn't work either. Then I downloaded Gimp, because I heard Shell use it recently, but I first had to figure out the program... and try every wrong setting... in the ejd I believe I spent more than an hour on it. :p

    And, yes, of course do I use the [plain] tag! Why's it cute?
    607 likes this.
  7. GIMP is good, but Paint.NET is easier to use. ;)
    Well, you're the only one I've seen using the tag in recent years. ;)