Probably because they've taken a look, thought to themself "this is terrible", then made a post about it. Not sure what you're point is here, this is a thread for voicing opinions, and "this is all terrible" is an opinion that plenty share
Yeah, but I'd think most people should've realised by now that this reaction is oftentimes a reaction to the material being new, not necessarily it being appalling. It takes some time to get used to a change, especially if the instance that got changed is one that has been constant for a long while, as is the case here.
The diamond/emerald blocks look so bad. I prefer a simplistic version, than some artist attempting to make it better by adding some slanted lines. :/ The obsidian, wood, and bricks look nice though, but I might stick with Faithful.
Well my opinion stands. The concept of changing commands is just odd, and is going to break all sorts of different maps and games (chickeneer said he's got a nifty fix for Games Server though) The textures (still) look ugly.
I'm a decent fan of brick blocks because of how you make them (dig out clay balls, cook them into bricks and then assemble bricks into brick blocks) but so far all the previews of the new brick blocks give me a headache when looking at them for too long. There's also something as overdoing it in my opinion; that looks like a blurry change solely for the change. Because quite frankly: red/white brick blocks already look decently realistic. The only reason I'm shooting this down up front is because I think they're overdoing it. The "there's always a resource pack" is a comment which works both ways here. How many people still use the vanilla textures? And if they didn't like it, wouldn't they already be using a texture pack? My biggest gripe is that this will risk once again that existing buildings will suddenly look different. So players getting forced into having to change their things because it might suddenly look ugly. And what for? I think the effort to change those textures is better spend on further fine tuning and streamlining the underlying code.
I think many people find the brick texture ugly, though, and refrain from using it because of that. We'll see if this will change that.
Tbh I do think the brick texture is a bit overdone, that's the only one I have a real gripe with. Though I don't mind the white being less... white.
I've been sick of Minecraft updates for a while now. The game was absolutely fine in 1.8, but Microsoft wanted to keep releasing new content for the sake of releasing new content. There is absolutely no need to change textures that have worked so well for many years.
They also changed all the executable commands @ Command Blocks. RIP every function ran by them today.
"The game was absolutely fine in 1.8". How about 1.7? 1.6? 1.5? 1.4? 1.3? 1.2? 1.1? 1.0? I think the game has been quite fine for over 6 years. And yet, I'm glad that it's still getting updated, as no matter the controversies, it keeps bringing the game under people's attention.
Yeah, I'm also not too excited about those possible changes either. Some things plain out make no sense. /execute turns into /as? The problem I have with this is that you could execute the command on a specific location /execute 12 1 64 detect ~ ~-1 ~ stone summon ..... It's not the best of examples, but you get the idea. Backwards compatibility is a very important aspect in programming / scripting, and it amazes me that Mojang seems to completely ignore that important aspect. As you said: this is going to destroy a lot of existing command block structures. Or what to think about /gamemode 1 no longer working, needs to be /gamemode creative. More typing, just what I'm not looking forward to However... that last part may not be too bad. For example: on my (private) server I never type /gamemode full out, it's all /gm 1, /gm 0, etc. I can simply add all 4 variants and alias them back to the full counterpart. Still; it's extra unnecessary work
You could do /game [press tab key to get gamemode] c (You can use singular letters, S = Survival, SP = Spectator, C = Creative and A = Adventure) EDIT: Or stick with numbers! Just don't forget, The tab key is always there! EDIT2: I realised (once I had my head on ) that you were talking about the numbers not working. So you cannot stick with numbers. But again, Tab is always there!
Normally I'd have edited my post, but that seems a bit off now... Even though I'm still skeptical about the command syntax changes there's also an upside to be kept in mind: from what I read on the Minecraft 1.13 wiki page (combined with stuff I picked up on the Minecraft forum) they're also very busy with optimizing the underlying code. Although I'm a bit hesitant with seeing /execute getting split into /as , /at, /offset and /detect I also think it's important to keep the possibility in mind that these new commands can also improve on performance. In fact I think they will. /execute ~ ~ ~ basically meant "execute the command from a given location"; which I can well imagine could imply that with every execution cycle it would actually look up that location (usually ~ ~ ~) before execution took place. If they remove that unneeded lookup cycle it will increase performance. How much? Maybe not too much, but many small things.... I'm definitely cynical about some changes, but I also think it's important not to focus solely on the negative here.
Really? For goodness sake, what was that needed for? How about, um, allowing both?? Guess I'll have to make another macro, then. Actually makes me wonder why I haven't done that earlier. As for the textures and the other changes, where can I see them all? I need a higher resolution picture for the wood to get a good opinion on it, the picture on the first page is way too small to see if it's fuzzy from the low resolution, or from s bad texture.
I don't use A resource pack so this does affect me, As such I wanted to give my thoughts on the matter. IMO, It feels like Mojang is redoing every texture in the game because they want to give us something "new" in the midst of this technical update. Although I'm actually ok with most of the new textures for the most part, there are A few I don't like. The one texture I really don't like is the obsidian. I feel like the change in texture was A little too drastic. However, my opinion on it is highly biased at the same time because I have spent A very long time with the old obsidian texture in-game. With that said, even though I don't like some of the textures too much at the moment, I also think I might be able to get used to it after a while. After all, I can always make A Resource Pack if I'm that desperate... Now Since we are on the subject... Nor am I, This change was really odd considering so many people(myself included) type it as "/gamemode #"... Unfortanately just a single letter won't work either according to Dinnerbone so you will have to tab-complete those as well. Source: Not sure what you mean here? ~SUPERI0N
Oh wow. I meant that if you type some of a command and press your tab key (on your keyboard, 2nd key down from ESC) it will auto-complete the command. So with changes like this where you can't use shortened variations, You can just press tab to finish the command. Here, I typed /game and pressed the tab key. That then gave me 2 options. gamemode or gamerule. If you press tab again, It cycles through. After I had put a space after gamemode and pressed tab, It gave me a list of the gamemodes, That you can also cycle through with your tab key. EDIT: Spoilers are being glitchy... I think the screenshots are in the last one. I came to edit to say that the list of things to be changed command wise is quite extensive. A lot of change. but it kinda messed up the spoilers D: (Pictures are in spoilers 3 and 5)
Welcome to the:Minecraft Controversy of Change: 1.13 Edition! Every major update to Minecraft has had controversy; it's the basis of Jeb's Law. It is impossible to appeal to every person. Any change to something old in the game is displeased by a fraction of the audience, due to nostalgia and familiarity. People are naturally resilient to change - an inevitable force of nature. Video games are works of art -- subjective efforts. Your perspective may not be those of the game developers, the creators. We don’t have total control over the development. No matter what happens, the game will never be absolutely perfect to all individuals. But despite my understandings of human nature, whenever I encounter negativity and criticism to something the people didn't directly create, that being, those responses make me guilty for supporting that creation. I'm attracted to Minecraft, but I'm also repelled from it, from chunks of the online community (EMC excluded). Organizing my thoughts through this phenomenon has been extremely difficult. It’s multi-layered and very complicated, a vortex. Hopefully now, I can finally to get this off my chest in a way people can understand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The circuit begins with something negatively-charged. It could be some online post or a comment or two on the latest Minecraft news. This creates a stressful situation: take a fight or flight? By incentives to compete, I would fight, but I'm taught to not attack others; such offense would add wood to the fire, causing more distress. Instead, I research, a lot, looking at other comments and viewpoints from multiple sources on the subject. Eventually, I fall into depressive behavior -- anger turned at self, fighting myself. Or, I get too distracted, consequently leading to depression for not progressing on something in real-life. At some point, I talk to a trustworthy person for help, like a family member, EMC friend, or local counselor. But as systematic this process is: Posts, Research, Distraction, Depression, Counseling, it has gotten inconsistent and mentally viral, outside of Minecraft. Given enough experience with this Minecraft vortex, there was a time where I began to anticipate negative outcomes of what I do in and out of the Minecraft territory. I was expecting criticism that would render my work worthless, nullified. There’s a saying going on the lines of, “positive thinking promotes optimism; negative thinking promotes pessimism.” I’ve been trapped in pits of negativity and gotten depressed inside. Those date back to Fall 2013 through 2014, a very rough time for Minecraft that I’m not going to cover here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the time of me writing this post, I don’t feel against Minecraft as much as I’ve been recently. I still like the game, and I embrace most of what Mojang has done to it. I support them reworking Minecraft's textures. But I can’t enjoy the game with all of the negativity: drama, controversy, complaints, and hate, DCCH, surrounding it. It has made me question if I should continue playing, which would include me leaving EMC. There are a lot of projects I still have planned for EMC. The Forever Company (name may change sometime) I formed is for a group to invite people to do collaborative work with each other and myself.
Personally, I like a lot of the new features that Minecraft has. They add a lot of cool content to the game. I don't, however, like what they're doing to the textures. The new blocks that were added, new wool colors, and the new textures for old blocks all look terrible (Not birch, I like the new birch texture.) and it could be done better. (Though I guess that's what resource packs are for)