I got the results yesterday, so here we go! I'll go through the subjects in the order they were on the form. Dutch. My estimate: 8.1 Actual result: 6.8 Interval for winning: 5.5 - 8.1 Winners: TomvanWijnen, 8.0; RandomBumbleBee, 7.0; K_Kick, 7.5; Lady_Eliza, 7.5; Jelle68, 7.5. Thoughts: Like it always goes with Dutch tests. It seems like they went great, and then the grade is much lower than you'd expect. It's really a stupid subject... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But hey, one of my friends got a 4.8 or something, I believe, so I'm not discontent with my grade. English. My estimate: 9.1 Actual result: 9.5 Interval for winning: 9.1 - 9.9 Winners: Zrugite, 9.5; TomvanWijnen, 9.2; Rhythmically, 9.3; Prof_Strudel, 9.2; jossytheninja, 9.5; Luckygreenbird, 9.8; Lady_Eliza, 9.8; Jelle68, 9.6. Thoughts: Well, I knew it went well, but I hadn't expected such a high grade. Definitely the highest of the class, here, I believe. Maths B My estimate: 6.1 Actual result: 5.2 Interval for winning: 4.3 - 6.1 Winner: RandomBumbleBee, 6.0. Thoughts: Thank you for your confidence in me. This was a stupid test, though... because although Lanata did get something like a 9.1 (that's crazy!), Marie, a genius student in all fields, got a 6.1. This exam was honestly very poorly compiled. But yet I don't really feel like retaking it, as although I love Mathematics, I'm not a big fan of the way the exam works in the Netherlands... Physics My estimate: 8.3 Actual result: 6.3 Interval for winning: 4.3 - 8.3 Winners: Prof_Strudel, 8.2; jossytheninja, 8.0; Sachrock, 6.7; thistle_bristled, 7.6; Nuclearbobomb, 8.0; Finch_rocks_1, 6.7. Thoughts: Looking back on my guesses, it would probably have been more tactical to make lower estimates, as many of your estimates were quite high, so there'd be a higher chance of your estimates falling outside the interval that way. However, I didn't know you guys expected so much of me... Anyway: I had hoped for a little higher, honestly. A 7 or 8 on Physics would've been nice. But oh well. I did good. Latin My estimate: 9.7 Actual result: 9.5 Interval for winning: 9.3 - 9.7 Winner: TomvanWijnen, 9.6. Thoughts: Yay!! I felt like I had done this exam perfectly, but usually it turns out I misinterpreted some questions, and thus answered answers that were correct to the questions as I perceived them, but incorrect to the actually intended question. That was the case here too, my former teacher told me, but I had done the 'proefvertaling' (trial translation: the exams for Latin and Greek consist of 50% questions about studies test from a specific work, and 50% an unseen text from the same or a similar work, which you need to translate to Dutch. That latter 50% is which I often shine at.) splendidly!! A 9.5... that's great! Chemistry My estimate: 7.4 Actual result: 6.2 Interval for winning: 5.0 - 7.4 Winners: Zrugite, 7.3; Which one?, 7.4; Sachrock, 6.6; Finch_rocks_1, 7.4; Jelle68, 6.5. Thoughts: I'm content with a 6.2, especially as I was very tired when I was to do that exam, as it was on Thursday, having had exams Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as well. A bit over a year ago, I'd often get grades like 5.5, 5.8 on Chemistry, so a 6.2 is quite impressive still. But again, a 7 would've been nice, as I do like the subject, although it's quite tough. Greek My estimate: 9.1 Actual result: 9.3 Interval for winning: 9.1 - 9.5 Winners: FalloutHood55, 9.5; TomvanWijnen, 9.2; jossytheninja, 9.3. Thoughts: Wow! My estimate was a 9.1, but I'd have been happy with an 8.7 as well. But really, a 9.3? That's awesome! And something that's especially nice is that a good friend of mine also got a 9.5 on Latin and a 9.3 on Greek (we've got the tied highest grades): and he's going to study Latin and Greek next year. Winners overall 1 correct: FalloutHood55, Which one? (can't pay you, though), Rhythmically, thistle_bristled, Nuclearbobomb, LuckyGreenBird, K_Kick. 2 correct: Zrugite, Prof_Strudel, Sachrock, RandomBumbleBee, Lady_Eliza. 3 correct: jossytheninja. 4 correct: TomvanWijnen, Jelle68.
This honestly blew my mind. I myself am in 5th year of Latin, and I had greek before this but I dropped it . I know how terribly hard these subjects can be, and these grades feel like impossible to me , though I heared that the latin n-term was really high (but still!). I myself shine at the 'tekstverklaring' the most, and fail horribly at the 'proefvertaling'. My last latin School Exam I had 96% correct on the tekstverklaring and I ended up with a 6,7 (having a n-term of 1.9 :3). Well, you can deduce yourself how horribly I did the translation
O.O I'm surprised I guessed correctly more than once xD ...thanks for the rupees and congrats on passing your finals :3
Thanks! :D Oh, also, @haastregt (can't bother to quote you properly right now), from 9-10 the n-term matters much less than under 9, because there's a different formula used above 9 so every point will still add something to your grade (and so you can never get a 10 without getting all points).
I did pay you, but there was someone who literally entered "Which one?" as their IGN, and some very unusual guesses, but that person managed to get one close enough too, by chance.