Australians and New Zealanders agree on that, but not on who invented it. In its relaunched online edition, the OED says the first recorded pavlova recipe appeared in New Zealand in 1927. This was in a book called Davis Dainty Dishes, published by the Davis Gelatine company, and it was a multi-coloured jelly dish. But New Zealanders claim the meringue version also originated there, with recipes for it appearing in publications in 1928 and 1929. Dr Helen Leach from New Zealand's University of Otago is something of a pavlova expert. "I can find at least 21 pavlova recipes in New Zealand cookbooks by 1940, which was the year the first Australian ones appeared," the author of The Pavlova Story told the Daily Telegraph. fite me
Can confirm JD's statement, my 'German' friend currently lives in a sand dune and often loses WiFi to the German desert storms. Scientists say that the mass influx of refugees from the Middle East brought the sand with them in their crocs. The media isn't reporting on it and will have you believe that it isn't happening, and that the Black Forest still occupies a significant portion of the Rhine valley. It does not. Do not believe the FAKE NEWS.