As said above, my bid of 15k still stands. Just letting you know, people that I genuinely know only make me mad. I can sit here all day and do this. Someone behind my monitor does not affect me in any way, shape, or form.
15,000 rupee bid from Carbonyx remains in the lead. As per auction rules, any and all bids made in any currency outside of rupees are not valid.
Invalid bid. Joke bids are not allowed. Azoundria: Please confirm end time: 4 days 4 hours after it started or after the last bid? (Best to set the time in EMC time if fixed)
I think the issue here is clarity, as is often the case with being brief in posts. The message from EmpireMall regarding the issue: To be honest, when I looked over it, saw the quotation marks and was thinking of it in terms of an action, such as *likes*. This could be seen as him bidding, then making a comment that he's 'liking' where the auction is going. Basically, it's another way that this could have been interpreted. Regardless, I've cleared up the miscommunication with Staff and EmpireMall. The auction continues. 15003 from EmpireMall is the leading bid.
Current Winner: Carbonyx Current Minimum Bid: 20,001r Auction Ends (if no further bids): Saturday 7:48 PM EMC Time