Should I be worried?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by PseudoDistant, May 19, 2017.

  1. I don't just want to assume anything here, but should I be worried about a lack of firewall?
  2. A website "firewall" is kinda bogus. They are just trying to scare people into buying their product.

    Our website is secure.

    This "report" pretty much shows that their service is useless, as they put Malware as "low risk" but because were not paying them money, it's medium risk? Running website proxy services is not common.
  3. One, is this real, did Aikar really respond to one of my posts! And two, sorry I was looking to see if an app provider was safe because I have recently found a sanyo incognito and wanted some games on it and I when I found the site I wanted to make sure the sites I regularly use are safe to use ( I should probably find a better site for this then sorry about this.) This thread can be deleted or used for future reference ( you never know if there are people that are dumber than me (which pretty much doesn't exist within the animal kingdom xD
  4. Since we're kinda down this track already and this is more common on the user end I did want to mention the following:

    Generally, monitors that make claims of vulnerability and imply you will stay vulnerable unless you buy their product are worth about as much as the dirt under your foot and should be treated as such imo. This goes doubly so for those claiming you've been infected by some bug. Reputable monitors and reports won't make such statements.

    Mind you reputable doesn't actually mean good *glares at McAfee*, but it will at least put you on the right track.

    Oh, feel free to pinch yourself until you're bored Hunter, you're not dreaming. :p
    TomvanWijnen and fluffinator09 like this.
  5. Why would I pinch myself? and LOL you think that I use McAfee!
  6. No, he doesn't.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  7. Why was this reply necessary? Honestly, I am genuinely curious why.
  8. Because I felt like it?

    Probably for the same reason your response was necessary?

    No clue.
  9. No. (And I think that this is an Android tablet, correct?) 99% of legitimate websites (EMC, nytimes,, whatever) will not have any malicious elements on them. However, depending on your...browsing habits, some websites will, but much of this malware is targeted to desktop users. Many vulnerabilities on Android are exploited by
    • very outdated software (Android 4.4 and older)
    • the Play Store
    • a link which tricks a user into thinking said link is a legitimate app
    As long as you don't click a strange looking ad, you will be fine. (EDIT ON THIS- don't click a strange looking anything)

    Side note- many vulnerabilities are in the user itself. Think "Windows Support" scams.
  10. I have Android 4.4.4. Am I fine, or should I be extra careful? (note the extra; I'm always careful nonetheless ;))
  11. Maybe be a little more careful, as Android 7.0 is finally getting updated to more devices, more exploits will show up :p
    TomvanWijnen likes this.