
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nerone94, May 28, 2012.

  1. Hidden traps equals pvp, so make them obvious or post signs:)
  2. I got through in 30mins *facetomato* to you sir!
    vividOptimism and jkjkjk182 like this.
  3. Lol no, it's called stupidity if you don't pay attention.
  4. Depends on the person, but no matter what it is still considered pvp.
  5. Then i'll put random signs with "Traps. Be careful" sticking up everywhere.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. So it was made with nokia phones after all . . .
  7. I didn't get a chance to see how it went :( Boo.

    LOL You're always asking who people are, The Beatles, now Chuck Norris xD Google is your friend. I also have to ask do you live under a rock? :eek:
    marknaaijer and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  8. lol Next one he will ask is Who's Bruce Campbell
  9. i shall take u down!!!!
  10. This is my Boomstick!
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  11. Shhhhhh.....
    Its my secret hideaway.....
  12. Who in the world is Bruce Campbell?
    marknaaijer and nerone94 like this.
  13. To sum it up-
    1. Hes trying to make an ungriefable structure. Anything is possible
    2. Hes inviting us to grief it.
    3. Its underwater
    4. Hes adding traps I believe.
    And I think thats it
    louiskw likes this.
  14. horror-movie-heroes-aprchallenge-horro-movies-bruce-campbell-demotivational-poster-1272626467.jpg

    Attached Files:

  15. What have you gotten yourself into, here, Nerone? I leave you for one month, and this is what you come up with? Are you seriously that bored? You do have a very large project on your plot that could be finished. :p What is the building, anyways?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. got in in 5min Hitting like a boss with my hands xD
  17. I took the locked chest away... so this project has been all but abandoned :p i'll let you know when version 2 is up!