I paid out the rupees, and credited the CP to AncientTower. Interestingly, there's now a 3-way tie for 3rd place in the leaderboards. (the leaderboards don't really mean a lot, but it can still be interesting)
Well I haven't guessed and seeing as I know it... I should show it! Alex ! I'd like to solve the word. Ridiculous... R I D I C U L O U S
Thanks! I loved seeing you use the word in the Association Thread, but it was hard for me to not reveal the answer before you properly guessed!!
I'm itching for another word to solve. However I'll make a letter guess this time so others can have a chance to solve it.
Thanks for posting, that made me realise I forgot to pay out the rewards! I'm not at my pc, though, again, so I hope I will remember to do it after dinner. Edit: Remembered!
I had encountered a nice word in the Dutch English exam, but I couldn't find it anymore... Well, I came across another word I like! Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _