[Giveaway and AMA] 2 years of crazyminerpete/PetezzaDawg

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by PetezzaDawg, Apr 10, 2017.


How long have you been on EMC?

Poll closed Apr 29, 2017.
1-6 months 1 vote(s) 3.0%
6 months-1 year 3 vote(s) 9.1%
2 years 12 vote(s) 36.4%
3 years 8 vote(s) 24.2%
4 years 2 vote(s) 6.1%
5 years+ 7 vote(s) 21.2%
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  1. So I have another question, what's the funniest memory you have in EMC?
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  2. Probably the same as my fondest memory, going nether fort raiding with Jar :)
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  3. Bump! This is ending in 8 days!
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  4. It's the final bump! This giveaway ends today at 5PM EMC time!
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  5. Now, I won't be participating myself because I'm a little heavily pre-occupied right now and well... I'm also not out to win anything right now because everything I do manage to grab will be put to use in my event anyway ;)

    But yeah, that doesn't stop me from a quick post :)

    Happy 2 year anniversary! I think it's awesome to see players like yourself who are basically a little younger than me (EMC-wise) and also, just like me, still enjoy this wonderful server after having played for so long already.

    Here's onto the 3rd year! :cool:

    I'll be honest, I mostly know you from the forums these days because I don't always remember names in-game (or connect them with the right post(s) on the forums) but I do clearly recall your previous name (crazy miner), also because my real name is Peter and yah... Then "crazyminerpete" automatically rings a bell :D

    Smart thinking! :)

    But... If you don't mind, I think your event could use a little bit of unexpectedness :eek: That's sometimes also fun, when people don't see it coming. So yeah... I'll be donating 10k to the prize pool for that :)

    And the best of luck to everyone else!
    607 and PetezzaDawg like this.
  6. It's my long lost brother :eek:

    And thank you very much for the 10k for the pool :)

    Edit: didn't quote you because on my phone snipping out specific chunks to quote is a nightmare.
    Ryan_A_ and ShelLuser like this.
  7. Crap im an hour late! Can i still enter? If so my question is why did u change ur name from crazyminerpete to petezaadawg?
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  8. I guess one more doesn't hurt :)
    My name in a few other games is PizzaDawg, so crazyminerpete doesn't really fit in, does it? I wanted my name to reflect my other accounts on other games but I wanted to keep the 'Pete' part, so my username still included part of my real name. This the awful pun Petezza was born, (it's meant to sound like pizza if you hadn't already figured that out) The original PizzaDawg name has its own backstory that I'll save for another day :)

    The giveaway is now closed to further entries, I'll use random.org to determine the winners later, I don't have time right now.
    Ryan_A_, ExExUnderscore and 607 like this.
  9. Oooooh! It's Pete-za-Dawg! That sounds so much better than Pee-tezza-Dawg! :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. No it's just Petezza Dawg :p
    Ryan_A_ and ShelLuser like this.
  11. In pronunciation, I mean. ;)
  12. And the winners are!:
    Ryan_A_:Cupid's Bow infinity unbreaking version
    Allicanto:Bionic pants 100k members promo
    607:Holiday Candle 2016
    AKing707:20k (10k provided by Shelluser-Thanks so much!)
    NuclearBobomb:EMC Birthday Cake 2016
    Skeletin007:64 Shiny arrows
    JDHallows:Stable voucher
    Mob_Meal:16 Notch Apples
    ToastFTW:64 cooked turkey
    JohnKid:Chicken Skewer
    K_Kick:Stacked cake x 13
    AdinD:2016 EMC Bday Cookie
    Equinox_Boss:Shear Madness 100k members promo
    GeneralWillikers:Emergency Snow Clearing Device
    Kippy159:Vault Voucher
    FadedMartian:Chicken Skewer
    Sachrock:Avalauncher (Annual Version)
    Chespinlover77:Blizz Ard's Nose
    Raaynn:Bubble Boots
    All prizes will be sent to the winners soon :) Thanks for entering!
  13. Thanks!
  14. thank you for this awesome giveaway :)
    607 likes this.
  15. ty for doing this and again gratz on 2 years
  16. Thanks
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  17. Thanks a bunch ;)
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  18. Thread closed at request of initial poster.
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