Shell's (overdue) long overdue anniversary event

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Mar 28, 2017.

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  1. 26 + 1 players have gotten something from me in-game. Why I'm singling out one player? Because ;)

    I just want all of you to know that what you got from me is very real and quite personal to me. Feel free to do with that as you seem fit because that's the whole idea behind it. This isn't about me, but more so about you.

    My alt-r-ego surfaced today. I got reminded about how some players had issues with the Eastern scavenger hunt. So I don't want to set the bar of mine too high because my main drive is to provide some fun for you guys.

    So here's a hint... My event will involve both around the forum as well as in-game. BUT... Only some forum messages from myself as well as TheOtherShell will be used in my event. As well as 1 (single) message from Aya but she has yet to write it and it will be a little bit more obvious.

    Hint 2: Only 1 message which has direct ties into my upcoming event has been posted so far (time of writing!!)

    Hint 3: did you know you can go over all of someone's posts? For example, by clicking this link </hint> :D
    607 likes this.
  2. It's not my intent to keep bumping / updating so frequently but today something drastic happened which has some affect on this event. And I really need to share...

    My friend CadenMann came over for a brief stop and send me some "left overs he had no real use for" :eek: You can see the full list in the contributions section in the 2nd post.

    As a direct result there are now three iron supporter vouchers being given away during my event. So basically, although I consider the main prize chests as 1st (mine), 2nd (Aya's) and 3rd (GripCEO) they will now all earn you an iron support voucher (or a chance of winning one ;))

    As the stakes get higher I'm getting more nervous about the whole thing, also because I'd better start copying my designs from Creative soon ;) But with a prize pool this size I think this is bound to become a fun event, at least I really hope so!

    Thanks for all the support you guys!
    607 likes this.
  3. I have to study in may though ;-; Have fun with the event!
  4. I WILL be there an i WILL donate a prize (via mail, expect smthin in ur mail shel)
  5. A proud member of that list :p i still have that arbour guide book!
  6. So yeah... a short (brief) update this time, also because I'm getting ready for work and all. It's going to be one of those days :p

    Aaanyway.... Houston, we have a problem! Aya informed me about this past weekend and what do you know... GripCEO went AWOL (Absent With Out Leave) :eek: And as you guys probably know from reading the first opening post on this thread; he's one of the 3 organizers (sort off :confused: ) of this event.

    We considered postponing the event but I don't think that's a good idea. Instead I think we (Aya & me) should simply use this to our advantage; we'll be asking you guys to help us look for him. You guys get your scavenger hunt, and I get my alt back (provided anyone finds him) :D

    Sounds like a plan to me!

    More about this will be shared later.
    607 likes this.
  7. I cannot believe it's been more than 2 years after you joined EMC!! Congratulations and happy early birthday! (If I can make it I'll say it to you again XD also since you stated 2 years I thought it's on 2 years anniversary lol) I will definitely join this event if I could fix my schedule and fit to the timing! I'll keep my eyes on this thread and wait for the further update!
    AyanamiKun and ShelLuser like this.
  8. I'd like to see the EMC community take part in this event and have a great time so I've donated the following items:

    5x WayneKramer head
    1x Elytra
    64x Diamond Blocks
    64x Gold Blocks
    64x Iron Blocks
    64x Lapis Blocks
    64x Enchanted Golden Apples

    I might donate more soon too, so don't dare me.
    TomvanWijnen, AyanamiKun, 607 and 3 others like this.
  9. Update

    My event will be postponed by at least 1 day. Sorry about that.

    There's still plenty I need to prepare and do, it didn't really help that work caught up to me last week (data / process analyzing during the day, phone support session during the evening) which usually left me pretty tired and not really motivated to play.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  10. I hope all who attend have fun. Due to recent IRL events my weekend is booked with family events. So I will not be making it but want to wish you a Happy Birthday.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. So when is this? It's 1 day past your B-Day (I think)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. For the record: No, this was not planned and it is also not part of the "messing around a bit" for the event. In fact I'm kind of annoyed and upset about it.

    I'm postponing this by 1 week. So instead of the 20th where my family managed to kidnap me (lol) and got me occupied for pretty much most of the day (this was seriously unexpected, best birthday present ever) it will be held on the 27th. I'll update the OP.

    Apologies to those who reserved time for this. Problem being two fold: I've been buried in work the last 2 weeks and I simply didn't feel like playing games at all afterwards. The second problem being that when I did got a bit of playtime going I simply lacked the time to get some work done.

    But trust me when I say: this is going to happen. More info next week.

    Note: I am going to readjust some of my plans. Spoiler alert: there's going to be a maze, some puzzles, three locks to unlock, and another form of maze (nothing too extensive). Instead of building I am going to resort to digging (dirt) to make things work, and then optionally replace the walls.

    In short: don't expect too fancy buildings ("dirt halls"?), but do expect puzzles, (RTS) trolls, a slight bit of humour and plenty of prizes to be available for winning.

    This is going to be key: The players who made it to the end will not be the only winners. During the event (searching for those clues and/or finding other things) you may also come across "prize drops" (a dispenser which drops a prize on you and then gets locked for x amount of time).

    I have the ideas (and the way it should work) all set up, I simply need time to actually build it. Did plenty in creative already but that doesn't quite get the job done (and I refuse to resort to use "other areas", this event will be held on the Empire and no where else).
    SkeleTin007, 607 and AncientTower like this.
  13. Oh, how the fates twist our plans. My families plans were wiped out today by the rain. I thought I'd catch this event however that wasn't the case.
    I must admit I'm getting the suspicion the universe does not want me to make your event Shell...
    Next weekend I'll be at lake putting in the pier and boat lift. (We have no wifi at the lake) So once again I must say I will not be able to make this event.

    It all sounds fun... Mazes, puzzles, and more... Happy Birthday Shell!
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  14. Umm It's the day. I'm ready for it :)
  15. Update

    I'm done with deadlines which I can't make. So right now we're going to do things differently. I updated the OP posts and added a todo list, here you can see what needs to be done, what is currently being done and what is finished. Do note that I didn't bother to include all the work which already went into this because meh... effort :p

    So when is this evening FINALLY going to take place?

    When it's ready, and I'm trying to aim for a weekend. Last time I said to expect work going to be slow I ended up working from 10:00 - 19:00 anyway (and thanks to the summer hitting Holland I didn't feel like spending more time behind my PC in the evening).

    Sorry for testing your patience like this, but watch this space (first 2 posts & thread) for updates.
    607 likes this.
  16. I have some good news, and I have some bad news...

    The bad news
    This event is now officially canceled. I'm even going to ask staff to close this thread after this post and be done with it. I'm very sorry guys but this doesn't work for me. I did prepare (somewhat), I also build some stuff but my problem is that with this event I'm trying too hard to live up to something I'm not: a good builder. I'm raising expectations (maybe between the ears) which I can't fullfill, I'm setting up too high standards for myself (in the end this is still a game) and.. I always allow myself to get distracted and spend an easy 40min (irl) to help a new players to get going if I see the need arise. Then come back to my project and feel like "meh...".

    And no: I don't only do so for players who want to move to SMP2, I show the same kind of courtesy to new players who want to move from SMP2 to other servers (lol... last time I even gave a new player a little bonus because they moved to SMP3 and IMO that server deserves the extra love).


    I may not be a great builder: I do know my redstone as well as NBT tags and custom advancements :p

    But this doesn't work for me, I'm really sorry guys. Instead of dragging this on and raising expectations I'm going to pull the plug. However... please see the stuff at the bottom.

    The good news
    Merek_Shadower on SMP2 is preparing for his event, and he's also a good builder. Build himself an entire drop party hall, he plans to keep it straight & simple: a drop party to celebrate his 40th birthday (ha, you youngster! :D).

    Guess who's in charge of the redstone? :cool:

    Merek gave me some (<---- important detail!) creative freedom to make the drop party work and we're well on our way. It is going to be a drop party, but it won't be too casual.

    I decided to put my effort into making this work instead. It's easier on me (no worries about the building) and the redstone... yah... I'll tell you guys this i8*)( g@&*hkjh be&(! awJDW*()(D*()*)(*@&*!@ bzzzzt.. <stream interrupted by Merek's dropped drop party anvil> :eek:

    So: (almost) All prizes for my event are going to be donated and added to Merek's upcoming event.

    And I collected plenty.. Because although the delayed event got even more delayed and postponed, the now late GripCEO didn't stop collecting vote bonuses and all the items he got (diamonds & emeralds) were put into the prize chests as well. All of that now goes into Mereks drop party:

    Know what?

    THIS will be added to Merek's drop party:

    Small summary:
    • 12 vault vouchers, 5 stable vouchers, 9 feasts, 3 dragon stones and... a wet sponge :D
    • 14 beacons, 2 nether stars, Momentus helmet, cupids bow, a dasher and... a plain elytra!
    • one stack of emerald, gold and diamond blocks, 2 ESCD's, 2 prancers + 3 pots of gold.
    • Candy cane, Chicken skewer (2x) & turkey slicer swords.
    • 5 mending books + 1, stack of golden apples, and... NO stack of dirt blocks :p
    We're also trying to use this event to cover up Aya's murderings of Blizz 'Ards, so it might include 2 noses, 2 eyes and 2 arms, but I don't know any specific detaisl yet :D


    No 3 iron vouchers, no Shell + Other Shell (/GripCEO) or Aya heads, no personal reward chests, none of that. Also: the prizes for the "followers appreciation" event also still safely reside in one of Aya's many vault pages as well.

    I will do an event, but I won't announce stuff anymore until it's actually ready. Most likely the date will be around the end of this year; with my 3 year anniversary. I made this mistake twice, there won't be a 3rd time.

    But for now... Please keep your eyes peeled for Merek_Shadower's upcoming drop party, you just got an impression of some of the cool stuff to expect.

    And trust me: this is just a tip of the iceberg :)
    607 likes this.
  17. Awww, well I understand
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. OMG!!! Shell..... I love ya bro!!! We will make this epic no matter what is donated. I will help build you the stuff. Only took me 3 days.... Hardcore 3 days buys but I can do the impossible. ....... With materials on hand.

    I am currently in convo with MrSocks75 to figure out a time our date. He has a DP planned same date ..... Sept 16th

    we are figuring out dates.
    ShelLuser likes this.
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