[Questions] about being a supporter

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by BlackGryph0n, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. I understand gold/diamond supporters have access to utopia but I have some questions.

    1. Do I loose my Utopia residence after a certain period of time for not being a pay to play user?

    2. Can I still build on my utopia res once I loose membership

    3. How much more is a /res forceclaim if any derelict utopia reses existed?

    4.Is the derelict protection still 30 days assuming you keep it after the deactivation of membership?
    607, RainbowPony and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Once you have a res no matter what, you only loose it by going derlict (thats someone evwn claims it or the auto thing does it)
    You have full access to all reses after supportership is gone
    5k fir any res forceclaim
    30 days for res to go derlict yes
    607, RainbowPony and ShelLuser like this.
  3. Nope! Your Utopia res is yours to keep even after your supporter expires. Unless of course, you unclaim it whilst you're a regular member.

    Yes you can! Like I said above, your utopia res is yours to keep.

    Still as much as any normal residence on other smps, so 5k.


    Hope this helps! I'm sorry I would go more into detail on this if I wasn't on my phone. If you want to know anything more, just ask :)

    EDIT: aaaand I've been ninja'd...
  4. Rekt B) ( love ya boi)
    RainbowPony likes this.
  5. Most has already been answered, but I'd still like to add a few things...

    This one confused me a little bit.

    If you're a supporter then you cannot go derelict for as long as your supportship lasts. So basically, say you're redeeming a voucher (which lasts for one month) then you'd effectively be protected for approx. 62days (2 months). First the duration of the voucher, then the regular 30 days derelict timer.

    There are a few other things to look out for when your voucher expires though. I made a guide about all those changes, you can find it here:

    607, RainbowPony and ChespinLover77 like this.
  6. Direlect protection is technically 2 month cuz ur protected for 1 mo as supporter then another when ur support ends
  7. There are other benefits lost though once supporter status drops correct? The access to specific things in utopia go away because it is tied to the membership and not just having a residence in utopia I believe. As well as supporter forums and so on...
  8. True.

    You can no longer access the Utopian Wastelands and Frontier, Endertopia, the support forums (chat and auctions) and Shell chat will also become locked :D (which is always very hard on me ;)).
    Carbonyx and 607 like this.
  9. It used to be Where, if someone on utopia had a res you wanted, you could ask staff to unclaim their res if there was not much on it... But I am sure they removed that when /forceclaim came out.
    607 likes this.
  10. New question

    What happens if I'm at /v endertopia when my member ship expires?
    Do I automatically get kicked on next sign in or once I die there is no return and I can indefinitely can stay as long as I have enough food to survive.?
    607 likes this.
  11. I believe you get warped back to town spawn. No need to worry about "surviving" in endertopia :p
    607, RainbowPony and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Rumor has it though that you might also end up getting used as a test subject in the secret staff events, but that's just a rumor. Started by me just now :D
    mjnoe70, 607 and RainbowPony like this.