I thought it meant you could have your 'book' 'open'. That sounds like a very reasonable thought, to me.
to be clear, the question i most recently asked was not part of the giveaway. the question was to see how many firsts we have. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/how-many-alts-do-you-got.56135/page-3#post-1017493 https://empireminecraft.com/threads/over-the-first-loser-game-2.62964/ https://empireminecraft.com/threads/down.62823/#post-1133910 3 was the correct answer. doublestoneslab, smoothstoneslab, thestoneslab the people who has gotten the question correct and will be progressing are... Nuclearbobomb Carbonyx EmpireMall JognKid TotoStyle i worry about the people who did not get it correctly. this was essentially an open book test. which you failed. horribly. since the last question was apparently too hard, here is an easier one. question 2 how many the first loser games did unoski host? https://goo.gl/forms/bzYIEOs0a1fb8Oeg2 only your first response will count. you have 48 hours.
Hey, the questions should get progressively more difficult, not more easy. And hey, I didn't expect us to be supposed to give the correct answers.
empiremall won the answer is 5. two questions in and we already have a winner. i am disappointed. empiremall, please decide whether you want 14141 to be deleted or up for griefing. furthermore, i have one more question for anybody to answer. the first two people to private message me the secret code will get a referral block of clickyness. begin.
Before answering this, do I receive special access to chests, or will it be public access to all chests? Also, thanks for the rupees!