smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

    As you probably know, we had a griefing incident recently. It appears that someone found the beginning of the rail tunnel from wilderness spawn and began taking out all the rails and torches for the first several hundred blocks. As the griefer could have logged off in the tunnel, or could come back, we have decided to close the old tunnel fro security reasons. I have started work on a new one. If anybody else wants to help it along, (and knows what they're doing) it is still connected via the exit in underground.
    On a separate note, welcome Telamon and Lectavison to the outpost!
    ZeWildGuy, 1998golfer, Jakres and 2 others like this.
  2. What :eek: more mining >.< some much Smooth stone lol count me in
  3. Yeah, I figured better safe than sorry, eh?
    I was planning on making the spawn entrance a little bit more concealed, possibly. And farther out.
  4. I guess I'm all for mining as far as track, I'm not so sure. It takes me a bit to get the hang of redstone.
  5. That's fine, I have a deal of track, I'm good with redstone, and we can always tear up the old track to cut losses.
  6. i can supply some redstone if need some
  7. Nah, I got like 12 stacks in a chest, lol.
  8. ...... i just bring my picks and chop away then
  9. I can help with the tunnel ant track laying
  10. I will help! I really need to know the new entrance too as I have to return to town every so often.
  11. Good work!

    I say take the old track before it gets stolen. I laid some for the last section, most of which has now been stolen. Curundu laid the rest and I'm sure would be very happy for it to go to a new home. Though I guess he should speak for himself :)

    Panda, no need for redstone skill when laying track. Just stick a redstone torch next to every powered rail.
  12. Do shops have a record of transactions, eg Runewulf sold me 20 powered rail for 2000 rupees? and if so can we ask some of the vendors to see who sold a lot of rail recently?
  13. You can see your transactions by going to the rupees tab on the site and the first part is rupees history and in the top righthand corner there is a button that says view history. It shows you every transaction, login bonus person who bought something referrals etc.
  14. Ah yes of course. So when I buy something from shop it says:
    "Player shop purchased 1 Glowstone from xxxxx"

    So a busy shop owner should have similar entries so they can identify a large sale (to them) of rails. It would be worth asking around.

    I guess this won't work if the thief is selling the rail from their own shop.
  15. We should ask around but yes, they could be selling it from there own shop. I'll ask around with friends in town.
  16. Just Shut Up...... I an always getting blamed for everything someone else does, Why is iut always me... WE DONT KNOW WHO IT IS............................ Dear God People................ I Never Did It..... And If I Did It, Why AM I Not Banned
  17. Guys....
    Please. Zulu has already said to leave this alone, and that we have NO PROOF of ANYTHING. The griefing was only one incident, it seems to have stopped since then. Until it warrants further attention, lets all be friends, okay?
  18. Inu if you want to stop it stop being so rude
  19. I would love to join but with the update comng up, and I have nothing on smp7, and stuff.
  20. Where's the ::exhausted:: emoticon when I need it