Friends and I have been lagging extremely hard.

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by AdinD, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. not confused on this at all. individually they do run independently but as a whole network they do not
  2. Again, confused. I'm not on about the connection process but EMC. The moment the connection is being handled by EMC. Not your ISP, other companies or Mojang.

    You appear to be.
    synth_apparition likes this.
  3. when con
    when you are connected to 1 of EMC servers you are playing you will never just be connected to that server you will always be connected to 2 servers from the same company that host EMC the whole tiime you are on
  4. Did you really read Jay2a's post? He says that all the servers are all under the same local IP, when they're not. I really do not know how you've come about with all this connection stuff, because it wasn't even mentioned.

    Regardless of what connections there are, including BungeeCord, Mojang, your ISP or your cats computer, each server has its own IP address and is separate.
    synth_apparition likes this.
  5. It's own private IP, yes, but on the outside they all share the same. Barrow is also right here, it's also basically how Bungee often operates.

    For example:

    ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3595 IN CNAME 3596 IN A

    It's actually an alias for and... well, you can see here. This applies to all the others too:

    ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3599 IN CNAME 3556 IN A


    Of course you're also right. Because if we look at the main server name,, then you get to see a completely different scenario:

    ;; ANSWER SECTION: 300 IN A 198.178. 300 IN A 198.178. 300 IN A 198.178. 300 IN A 198.178. 300 IN A 198.178. 300 IN A 198.178. 300 IN A 198.178. 300 IN A 198.178.

    I took the liberty of removing the actual addresses to avoid too easily created issues. But bottom line: there are 8 different IP addresses used here.

    But when you connect to the Empire you're usually using 1 main server to connect to (Bungee) which will then forward you to another.

    And one thing: just because we have 8 different IP addresses here does not necessarily mean these also have to be 8 different servers. Not by a long shot.
  6. This is correct. Also, I don't know if this is still the case but if my memory is correct (and it may not be), I thought each physical server hosted two SMPs for EMC. So one physical server hosted SMP1/SMP2, one hosted SMP3/SMP4, etc. And I think one physical server hosted Utopia/Dev.

    Again, I'm just taking this from memory so I may be wrong. Obviously Aikar would know if he wants to share.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. Each game server hosts 3 SMPs. SMP 1-3 is on one. SMP 4-6 is on another. SMP 7-9 is one the last one.
  8. On the topic of the problem at hand, please use /ping as thats going to represent EMC's view of your latency.

    the ping command in your command prompt is is only going to measure UDP network latency. But say you had a firewall monitoring your TCP data, it would add its own latency to the connection.

    Then packet loss could be disrupting the TCP. The ping command in game is going to show you how long its taking the server to get responses to packets. It represents the ingame network bars in tab list.

    This will always be higher than ICMP Ping tests, but it's more realistic to impact to your games connection.

    Also, please be sure to use and not or directly.

    Those pings above are hitting the web server (at IP .188), however as shown does not point to the web site server. however has special logic. "Standard" DNS points to the website server, which is how the live maps work, but it then also uses SRV records so that game traffic TRIES (But sometimes fails) to avoid the website server.

    The game IP's for randomly allocates you to one of the 3 main Bungee Servers (web also runs bungee, but it's the catch all fallback for when SRV fails)

    If you use, you will be guaranteed to not land on the website server.

    Our web server is the oldest, and does occasionally have network hiccups. I actually ordered a replacement server thats been sitting unused for like 5 months, that I just havent had the time to move things over to (partly because I want to do it the 'right way', and if i do it the quick way, i won't have any incentive to do it the right way)

    And yes, seeing * * * in traceroutes is normal. It simply means that specific server is not responding to ICMP Pings. It'll allow connections to flow through it, but it doesn't do more than that.

    It's possible our web server was left behind an anti DDOS filtering layer, that could be the cause of issues to the web server.

    tl;dr: use for best results
  9. Also I have historical performance data on stats, it appears you mainly play on SMP8:

    Note latency is always higher in early hours due to all the US players being asleep and it primary being people on the opposite side of the world of our servers playing, making the average go higher.

    There's been no signs of problems on the server.

    INB4 49 TPS. That happens when the server has a lag period/spike, and then needs to "catch up" to make up for the missed time.

    The graphs clearly show we do not need new hardware. I'm moving this to Comm Discussion
    ShelLuser, jkjkjk182, 607 and 3 others like this.
  10. Marlixs hat has projectile prot 5 arrows bounce off weather you are lagging or not