[AUCTION] 2 DC's of Gold Ingots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TheDarkAngel7, Feb 23, 2017.

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  1. Y u makin me do dis ;-;
    TheDarkAngel5786 likes this.
  2. Because I want gold :p 81k
    TheDarkAngel5786 likes this.
  3. But i like goldereenos ;-;
    TheDarkAngel5786 likes this.
  4. 90k
    TheDarkAngel5786 likes this.
  5. Sefl ;-;
    TheDarkAngel5786 likes this.
  6. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top!*

    ExExUnderscore takes it for 91,000r!

    If no one else bids within the next 23 hours!
  7. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top*

    If no one else bids within the next 22 hours... then ExExUnderscore takes it for 91,000r!

    Granted permission from carolmoss to add this post.
    carolmoss likes this.
  8. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top!*

    Seems this angel made a miscalculation *Regrets putting a countdown timer on his computer*. About 33 hours remain in the auction...
  9. *not putting a countdown timer on his computer* me and my fast fingers :p
  10. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top*

    Just under 24 hours remain in the auction... anyone want to bid again and reset that timer? We'll find out...
  11. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top!*

    If no one else bids within the next 16 1/2 hours, ExExUnderscore takes these wonderful gold ingots for 91,000r!
  12. *Flies down the thread list, grabs this thread, and drops it on top!*

    No other bidders? 1/2 hour remains in the auction!
  13. Auction Closed

    ExExUnderscore takes it for 91,000r!
  14. Yay!!
    Ill pay, is it free if you deliver?
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