Friends and I have been lagging extremely hard.

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by AdinD, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. More than 1/2 of my arrows will just bounce off mobs and do no damage. Creepers will seem afk then suddenly teleport to me and explode. When I get hit by an arrow it takes >.5 seconds to register and do dmg/knock me back. When playing with friends it looks like we are teleporting 3 blocks at a time instead of walking.

    My internet is fine and even on the 70-80 ms I have it should be fine (Last night it was 80ms for some reason which I am assuming is EMC's side since I got a constant 70ms to EMC and a 60ms to Ohio servers). My computer is also fine given the fact all other servers work and I am running MC on a 970gtx + i7 4790k + 8gb of ram allocated + liquid cooling + SSD.

    Nothing is more aggravating than trying to fight a Marlix and almost all of your arrows bouncing off of it and doing no damage or the other hostile mobs glitching and attacking you without seeing it.

    Are there any plans to update the server quality? This happens even when we are staying inside of one chunk.
  2. Based on what you described, that sounds like ping lag, not TPS lag. Next time that happens, would you mind sharing your ping (/ping) and the server's TPS (/tps)?
  3. Ping has more to do with your own internet connection than your computer itself. There's a chance it's been running slow.
  4. I don't really experience this except when the tps dies all of a sudden, if you are saying this is happening very often for you then it's most likely your own internet.
    boundmm likes this.
  5. As I said above my ping is a consistent 70 but last night was 80. I am 100% sure this was not on my side given the fact I ran tracerts and manually tested connectivity and everything in the first few hops (my side) was fine.

    I dislike being rude but I'm not stupid man. If the ISP EMC's hosting is using lags it is not my internet connection but theirs.

    Well maybe EMC's TPS was dying every few seconds or the more logical explanation is the server couldn't handle all the actions happening.
  6. This is usually either TPS lag or your internet. If it happens again do /ping and see if it is your internet.
  7. When the tps drops it generally stays down for a few minutes. The servers really aren't being lagged by you and your friends shooting bows.
    607 likes this.
  8. It was worse than usual for 6 hours strait and consistently bad even when only 2-5 people are online.
  9. This would be helpful as we can diagnose the problem from there
    607 likes this.
  10. Ping never spikes from what I've seen and im not sure of a way to check ping spikes over time without spamming /ping. I will do /tps tonight since it happens constantly (Since I started playing again It's never been smooth).
  11. EMC already has incredibly powerful computers to handle their servers, and unless you and your friend were both traveling rapidly and updating new chunks, noting you guys would be doing could lag the server.
    607 and Sachrock like this.
  12. I'll get some video of it tonight.
  13. Are these friends you mention local friends? As in, do they live in the same general area as you?

    Edit: /ping may be having issues. My ping is steadily incrementing, which doesn't really make sense.
  14. Remember that /ping only works properly after being online for some time. :)
    607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. To my experience, /ping isn't always the most up-to-date ping. Sometimes my internet likes to be really jumpy, ping will jump all the way up to 350ms, then drop right back to 54ms. I haven't really seen /ping pick that up. What I do to test my ping is I open command prompt and start pinging EMC's servers. If you want to effectively test your ping, you want command prompt to send a lot of packets to the server and back.

    ping -n 100

    When I ran the ping command in command prompt, in the image, you can see there was the 400+ms pings mixed in with all my 50ms pings:

    Do you share an internet connection with other people in your home? They might've been loading something while you were experiencing this.
  16. Well we don't know if the website is the same as the game servers. We know the game servers are proxy'd together so I think they are different IPs.
  17. Actually, we do know. They talk about it in the supporter page.

    EMC has 6 servers. 1 database server, 3 for the game servers, 1 for the forums, and 1 for Stage. They're all under the same local IP. This also goes into detail about the resources dedicated to running EMC's servers in the first place.
    607 likes this.
  18. In command prompt, instead of putting the website in there, put the game server's IP in there. So if I wanted to ping smp5 100 times, I'd enter "ping -n 100" in command prompt.
  19. The servers are actually on their own IP addresses.

    The servers are separate of each other.
    607 likes this.