[Poll] What is your LEAST favorite custom mob?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Feb 5, 2017.


What is your LEAST favorite custom mob?

Poll closed Feb 26, 2017.
Momentus 3 vote(s) 4.4%
Marlix 25 vote(s) 36.8%
Blizz' Ard 3 vote(s) 4.4%
Enraged zombie 1 vote(s) 1.5%
Enraged skeleton 1 vote(s) 1.5%
Enraged creeper 2 vote(s) 2.9%
Nether hounds 22 vote(s) 32.4%
Enraged guardians (come out when fighting Momentus/Marlix). 8 vote(s) 11.8%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 3 vote(s) 4.4%
  1. Hi gang!

    If you think to recognize this thread then you're absolutely right: I did something like this last year as well. But... A new year, new mechanics and new players so I figured: why not?

    What is your LEAST favorite custom mob? Just like last time I'm going to run 2 polls: least favorite and most favorite, and we're going to start negative first (this one) and end on a positive poll (coming later) :)

    Poll runs for 3 weeks.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Marlix

    talk about hard to kill

    truthfully I think I hate the guradians more. By the time I'm done with one pair another's already gone ;-;
  3. I'm 100% of the poll right now. :eek:

    Enraged Guardians were fine before the 1.11.2 update. But Now that Momentus fights a little bit more the Guardians are just a little to much for me to take Momentus on at diff 10 anymore.
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Netherhound 100%. Always jump on me when I'm not ready and I end up wasting so much time dying and going back to pick my stuff up.
  5. I'm deeply afraid of Marlix, only boss I haven't killed. The guardians are annoying and he's just a wee but ridiculously hard to hit. Now I just tell people back in town where one is, sometimes getting paid for it, rather than fighting it myself.
  6. Marlix is just purely annoying to kill.
  7. All of them. They're annoying in the wild and PS doesn't seem to stop them properly.
  8. enrage creeper cause they light the floor on fire --> When you kill them, their loot dies with them...
  9. Aha, Marlix back in the lead again ;)

    It's interesting how things can change, last year Marlix won by far but right now he's getting some competition from the Nether hounds! :mad:

    Anyway, I also dislike the nether hounds but still voted for Marlix. Although those hounds can be very annoying you can also often see them coming from a distance. And then you can prepare, for example by making a pillar (after which a ghast comes along and decides to go prize shooting :D).

    I also think that the nether hounds often give better rewards than Marlix. Although Marlix has a chance to drop some high end promos you're mostly left with a long & tedious fight and well... bones, arrows, and dragonstone fragments. Maybe a voucher.

    With the hounds you get gunpowder, beef, and nearly every time diamonds & dragonstone fragments. More rewards for less work (but more risk).
  10. Super Turkey, though Marlix and his minions are a close second. That little bird is a pain in the neck to catch and a pain in the wrist to kill, with little drop output most of the time.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Netherhounds. The Nether already sucks bad enough without dogs that move faster than Lucky when he hears a bird chirp.
    TuckerAmbr, RaiinNL, Slvr and 3 others like this.
  12. Skeletons. Definitely skeletons.
    I mean, they weren't that bad before Minecraft updated skeleton AI and made them annoying to even approach.
    And if you're in the water trying to swim towards an enraged skeleton, you won't be making it too far.
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  13. I would say Netherhounds. The problem is that they are too strong and they don't despawn. I have to fight them every time I go to the nether, even if my custom mob spawn setting is off.
    TuckerAmbr and Jadziaa like this.
  14. Enraged guardians all the way. I wouldn't have a problem with them if they still dropped enraged loot.
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  15. Netherhounds. No explanation needed.
    TuckerAmbr and Jadziaa like this.
  16. although the turkeys are super annoying, i have a knack for spawning marlix on me and they are a waste to kill, they do more damage to my armor then the off chance they they are even going to drop their 20k armor
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  17. Enraged guardians. I could kill Marlix in about 1/2-2/3 the time it currently takes without guardians, plus they can strafe now AND sprint while strafing might I add.
  18. i dont like blizz so much b/c it always wears out ur armor really bad. i really like hunting and fighting it, but the armor damage makes me dislike it ^.^
  19. I actually love the netherhounds in the nether... I've never died to them and they drop diamonds (for repairs if needed) and beef for a food source. Most people hate them because they come in sheer numbers but that's what makes it awesome for me.

    Anyways I voted Marlix cause I hate wasting 20 minutes of my time for 3 dragon fragments.
    Hashhog likes this.
  20. Netherhounds and Enraged Guardians are sooo annoying to kill they are really fast and just annoying xD
    AyanamiKun and UltiPig like this.