All the best, Crazy! Have good times in high school. I had some of the best times of my life in h.s. No computer games needed. Life will be a blast out there doing real stuff. Virtual life can be a good escape when you need it, but it's good to know the limits.
Good Luck! I know High School can be demanding! I know you are going to do really well. As far as getting addicted to a virtual game. I have to say my Virtual world, saved my life literally. I was in a dark place when I found gamind. I have many friends in my little world. I enjoy each and everyone of them. So don't think of it as a negative thing because you felt addicted. I don't know you really that well but I am certain no one views as being an egg head for playing video games. Again I hope you do well, thank you for your dedication to our contribution team we are lucky to have your dedication and hard work! Keep up the good work! Peace, Love, and Kindness Skitz
Having survived(Almost) highschool, I know you can do GREAT! Also I am almost done with your drawing(Sorry, Senior year got a little crazy) and I can still send it to you
That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you And thanks to everyone for the kind words. I come back to this thread once every day or so, it really cheers me up!