Becoming a Supporter

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by NDubb424, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. I'm considering becoming a supporter. I'm not ready to take the plunge on becoming a diamond supporter yet, so I'm between Iron, and Gold.

    In my opinion between the two it makes more sense to spend the extra $5 to become a gold supporter. Obviously I can see the benefits of both, but I just wanted the opinions of those that are actually supporters.
  2. Yeah, definitely.
    Gold's got most of the benefits Diamond's got, just to a lesser degree.
    Iron doesn't really have a whole lot besides being able to use town chat in the wild (which is a really big one in my opinion, but to most it won't be the main reason to upgrade, I think).
    I haven't ever been a supporter myself, though, so I'm not quite positive, but this seems logical to me.
  3. Gold supporters can get a res on Utopia and use its waste and wild I think that's the biggest perk. The wastelands there are not as used up so resources are easier to get. I've never been to the wild there but I can assume there's more room there too since not as many people can visit there or start outposts since you have to be at least Gold to do so.
  4. I've always leaned more towards the Diamond route coming from other online gaming which is also 15$ to 20$ a month. The Diamond benefits are great and for myself I stay Diamond to solely support the server.

    For those that the financial means aren't there, any supporter is awesome.

    For your OP, I would lean towards Gold over Iron just for the extra perks.
  5. Iron is more beneficial to players who already have obtained the benefits of Gold/Diamond supporter, but do not want to continue their Gold/Diamond supporter. This is because it gives you access to town chat in the waste/wild, access to the Supporter Chat, and the ability to use more tags and locations on your res.

    For your first time getting supporter, I would definitely recommend getting the Gold supporter. You get the extra res, more daily rupees, and access to more tags and locations on your res than Iron gives you. In addition, Gold also gives you access to Utopia and its features, including getting a res there (120x120, so 4 times larger than a regular res on an SMP), the waste/wild, and Endertopia (public endermen farm, great for getting exp if you don't have an exp farm already).

    Either way, congratulations on becoming a supporter, no matter what level you choose!
  6. There are also one time packages you can get. I like to get the 2 gold, 2 diamond, 1 iron for $50. Getting a diamond allows you to max out your reses at 4 which is obviously huge. I usually just give the iron away.
  7. If you've never been a supporter before then iron is pretty much useless, for the simple reason that it only expands some of your features (stable slot, residence locations, vault slots) but for a limited time. It has its place, but it's a bad start in my opinion.

    Definitely consider to start with either gold or diamond. The best part, as mentioned by others above, is the extra residence with gold and the extra 3 residences with diamond. And mining and playing on Utopia is definitely something else. If you want to learn more about Utopia then I'd like to present my Utopia review as well as the official wiki page.

    But there's something even more important to keep in mind here. I assume you're talking about getting a support voucher which gets you a supporter status for 1 month, right? So what happens when your supportership runs out, ever thought about that? ;)

    Fortunately for you I made a guide for that as well: what happens if your support status runs out.

    Finally: keep in mind that you can stack. In other words: you can combine 2 iron vouchers for 1 gold, and 2 gold vouchers for 1 diamond. It probably won't be needed now, but keep it in mind anyway.
    Equinox_Boss, 607, NDubb424 and 3 others like this.
  8. Thinking about an Iron membership in those terms makes so much sense! At first, I was like... but for $5 more you get all of THIS... but explaining it like that turned on a lightbulb. Bravo.
  9. I read this guide the other day and it is literally the main reason I am going to get a membership. I honestly thought when you support voucher ran out everything just disappeared on you. So thank you for this guide! And all of your other amazing ones as well!
    Equinox_Boss, 607, Kytula and 2 others like this.
  10. I went all out for Diamond after spending a couple weeks on this server. The main reason I did, was because this server really impressed me! I enjoy every minute and find myself on here probably more than I should be lol. Honestly I would go with Gold at least! It is an amazing opportunity and the supporter voucher pays for itself really! There are so many good things about it and really no bad things that I can think of! congrats and I hope you enjoy it! Welcome to the supporter family :)

    Peace, <3, & Kindness
  11. I went with Gold =) Thanks everyone!
  12. I recently bought the Diamond Supporter for $20 from EMC. I have already been a gold supporter, but got the voucher ingame. I felt that it was necessary for me to really support the empire because we all love this server so much, but we take it for granted, I would personally buy the gold if I was you.
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and NDubb424 like this.