Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Well um.. That's Australians for you ;)
    AncientTower likes this.
  2. Kill me in that manner xD
  3. Someone received a new skin for Halloween
  4. We were having a little tussle in the town chat between 3 players here and I used my Angel Staff Summoning Powers to summon Baradar onto smp5. :eek:;) WuerdGirl and dunderscore I think powered me up.... it wasn't exactly Krysyy but good enough right? If you felt any pain Baradar67 I'm sorry about that.

  5. Elfin decided to tag along and help me with my mm tonight, to provide wisdom and insight to this new moderator.
  6. "Which is clearly needed," Hash says as he looks at the broken image. :p

    EDIT: Sneaky sneaky fix. ;) Lovely photo of Mr. Pineapple in his natural habitat.
  7. That was completely unintentional by the way!
  8. I was just hanging around the firefloor and Xatez announces to Chin he's streaming... and my dark eyes see this...

  9. when people ask you what its like being with Senior Staff all the time.

    607, FDNY21, NickkG and 8 others like this.
  10. when krysyy forgets colour codes
    Sydney4363, 607, AnonReturns and 2 others like this.
  11. Lol! I wish I had funny staff moments :p
    NickkG likes this.
  12. Never knew becoming staff was so.. intense XD
    ChespinLover77 and NickkG like this.
  13. Sachrock & Burgerknight ♡ ~('▽^人)
  14. Lol I see MaglorYavetil in there! Wish I was in that screenie XD
    ChespinXMas2k16 and NickkG like this.
  15. Well you do have to appease to the Staff of old, lest you face their wrath.
    NickkG and ChespinLover77 like this.