Best gif ever?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TheCrimeLime, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Wow, its like I just watched the movie again. Sorta like what i saw before, bunnies would do a 30 second representation of a movie. Animated of course, HBO i think it was maybe.

    Anyway great job, loved it. It is mesmerizing how it is on a loop. Makes you just want to keep watching.
    TheCrimeLime likes this.
  2. Whoa. :) That was awesome.
    TheCrimeLime likes this.
  3. I don't really get what's going on. :p
    TheCrimeLime likes this.
  4. Have you seen The Empire Strikes back?
  5. Hmm, there's a lot of shooting being done in this movie.

    Anyway, I love the attention for detail in this, even though it's pixelated. Like when you get a close up of Luke's x-wing you can see the side where it almost looks as if he's keeping score on how many tie's he shot down. That's hilarious :)
    607 and TheCrimeLime like this.
  6. No, but I had hoped that I would be able to follow it even without any more prior knowledge than knowing Darth Vader is bad. :p
    TheCrimeLime likes this.