I wonder if I can make some money by hiring someone to do this for me. It sounds like a lot of work, and with the weekend coming up...
u got dis all rong rite so u gotta be a prtty grill (or boi) and den some boi (or grill) wil be like: "ayy bby date me and i giv u 200 rupees a day k?" & den u be like "ok" and den dey be like "i <3 u" and den u be gettin 200 rupes a day k
Here iz da secind instalolment uf hoew 3 muny Kkkkkkkkkkk here iz how K furst u invets in buying diminde suprot vosher w/ roobiez Den u go 2 kisie and say can i haz 2 golds surt for dis juan dimnd surpt Krysie sai yez so den u have 2 gold suprt U buyed dimd suprt for teh 350kays Den u selled 2 guld supprt for liek 200kays esh so u have maked 50kays gg no re faze noscope thx pls like and subsibe so i get dat ad revinue :3
Nonono hire is bad i hire a nub to mine coortz for me and he died and quit and now i am lost my op armor (((
Guys omg its been like 5 mins and 32 sekinds sinse i maked a howe 3 munei so i need to make new juan!!!! K so dis wat u do Its kina liek howe 3 munie 1 but diffent Alsoh howe 5 muneh 4 well b ritten normaloly cuz itz gunnah b longere ande more informalere (Also i honestly dont know how long i can keep wroting like this before my fingers fall off) Oke su wute u do iz u bye 4 endkistles and eu make de ener dagin cone 2 gechu and u kill enerdagin and sell hed 4 liek 10k lol #millinarecuzebdcrystalsarerllydangcheaplol Ad revenue pls dont use adblock
My memes r the dankist btw my mam cam here and look at use riting and like yall ar soopit lol im diing xdddd