Truly had not heard from or about you until a few months ago but I enjoy reading your wit on the forums. 3/10
8/10, that name I always try to say it and your previous profile picture was my favorite on the fourms.
no need to rub it in then again, who are you mysterious jedi-bear smp7 dweller? The chances of us to have met and me not remembering are 0,0000001%. It would be the Oni-meet And yes, I blantantly ripped that quote from one of my favourite Anime's but I could not resist Ok.. 2/10 from me. I just looked you up so you became a little more familiar for me Edit... I have to retract a point, sorry. Because of my own mess-up. Here I was: seeing you being last on smp7 so I assumed... but you're actually an SMP3 homie /res list revealed it! SO I have to retract a point. Sorry: -1. BUT..... so my alter-ego tells me that knowing this small detail about you should also be worth an extra point. So, yaaay: +1. Yes, I like to make a ruckus out of nothing from time to time