[OVER] [AMA/GIVEAWAY] 1 Year Anniversary

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by nltimv, Jun 21, 2016.

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  1. Hello Empire Minecraft Community,

    So today I've been on EMC for a year huh? Well, technically one and a half year, but I did the tutorial and left (for a reason unknown to even myself).
    So I decided to do an Ask Me Anything / Giveaway :)

    How to participate
    To participate in this giveaway, simply ask me a question and post a number of your choosing between 1-100. The number shouldn't have been picked by another person already. You can check the spreadsheet below, but always keep in mind that there might be some numbers posted after my last update of it, so please check these posts before picking your number. The question can be about anything, but it should always comply with the EMC rules and I hold the right not to answer a question if I don't want to.

    You don't have to pick a number, and you can ask as many questions as you like. You can only pick one number per person however. If you do pick a number, please ask a question as well.

    Alts are NOT allowed!

    I will choose 5 winners, respectively taking up 1st to 5th place. The winners will be chosen with RANDOM.ORG.

    The 5 prizes for the 5 winners will be respectively:

    1st place: 1 Momentus Toothpick
    2nd place: 1 Vault Voucher
    3rd place: 1 Stable Voucher
    4th place: 64 Emerald (1 stack)
    5th place: 128 Iron Ingots (2 stacks)
    These prizes will become better if donations are made.

    While donations are not mandatory, they are always appreciated :)
    All donations will be used as prizes for this giveaway.
    If you want to donate items, there is a hopper at /v nltimv 4 on SMP9.
    If you want to donate rupees, you can pay them to me, nltimv.
    Also leave a comment below here, so I can add the items/rupees to the prize pool and give you proper credit ;)

    The current deadline will be

    July 1st 2016 at 12:00 am

    This time is in EMC time. If not enough people have joined this giveaway on this deadline, I will postpone it. Otherwise, the winners will be announced shortly after.

    Chosen numbers
    Click here to view the spreadsheet

    That's all for me for now. If you have any questions about the giveaway or I forgot something, feel free to comment here :)
    Don't click this
  2. Donation list
    No donations have been made yet :(
  3. Winners
    So RANDOM.ORG did it's work and picked our winners for this giveaway. Here goes :)

    The person who received the 5th place is:

    29 || Raaynn

    Congratulations! Your 128 Iron Ingots will be mailed to you very soon!

    The person who received the 4th place is:

    24 || Lil_Spartan_Cat

    Congratulations! Your 64 Emeralds will be mailed to you very soon!

    The person who received the 3rd place is:

    38 || TomvanWijnen

    Congratulations! Your Stable Voucher will be mailed to you very soon!

    The person who received the 2nd place is:

    21 || ESSELEM

    Congratulations! Your Vault Voucher will be mailed to you very soon!

    And the winner is...

    The person who received the 1st place is:

    98 || cj12115

    Congratulations! Your Momentus Toothpick will be mailed to you very soon!

    You didn't win? That a shame :D! But fear not, because as a thanks for the participation, every participant not mentioned above will get a small loan reward of 100 rupees :p! You'll get them very soon!

    That's all folks :)! Until the next giveaway!
    Guill likes this.
  4. Congratulations on 1(.5) years on EMC! :D

    As for the question: how did you find EMC, and how did you refind it (after randomly leaving forhalf a year :p)?

    And I would like number 38, please. :)
    607 and nltimv like this.
  5. Well, I don't remember exactly, but I think I found EMC on one of those Server List websites (where you always vote).
    According to my Rupee History, I first joined on Jan 21st, 2015. I completed the tutorial fully that day.
    I joined again on Jan 22nd, 2015, but that's all the History shows me. (I honestly can't remember anything from the two days in January or how long I played :D)

    Then I left EMC for exactly 5 months, and came back on June 21st. I found EMC the same way as I did half a year ago, on a Server List.
    Finally, on June 22nd I signed up for the forums :)

    Your number has been added to the spreadsheet ;)
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  6. happy 1 year anniversary what is your fav emc memory and number 8 pls
    nltimv likes this.
  7. Congrats on 1 year!

    Why do you like EMC?

    Number 24 plz :3
    nltimv likes this.
  8. Congrats Man! Who is your favorite staff member? ill take 98 please
    nltimv likes this.
  9. I could donate some 1.9 stuff stuck as Purpur, Chorus Fruit and End Rods, (maybe 10-15 chorus flowers, sorry, running low on them)
    nltimv likes this.
  10. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Number 44 please. Congrats on 1 year! :)
    nltimv likes this.
  11. Can you math? no. 7 please :) congratz!
    nltimv likes this.
  12. Congrats on 1 year!

    What other video games do you play (other than Minecraft)?

    What's your favorite?

    Number 11 please!
    nltimv likes this.
  13. Number 4 please.
    Happy 1 and a half years hopefully you will make it more.
    What brought you to emc?
    nltimv likes this.
  14. Do you like PvP?

    Ill take 50
    nltimv likes this.
  15. Every moment I have on EMC is my favorite :D jk
    I didn't have many good moments, but I managed to find a good one:
    This one took place during BigDavie's Netherspleef test back in December, and I won like 2 or 3 games in a row

    Because the community is awesome and unique :)

    It has to be LittleRobotSeffy (Seffychan). She's awesome :D

    That would be great! Drop them in the hopper at /v nltimv 4 on SMP9 ;)

    Probably none, it is now at the doctor's with a twisted tongue :p

    Yeah! 2 + 2 = 3 right?

    It really depends. I play various games until I get bored of them, then play new ones.
    I recently played through Undertale, and I really loved it. That'll be my favorite.

    Google :D

    Not really
    607, TomvanWijnen and Guill like this.
  16. Number 29 tx

    And, please tell us what is your favorite build on EMC, why, and where is it located?

    Congrats on your year.
    nltimv likes this.
  17. 21 please (ᵔᴥᵔ)
    and for my question, can I ask you a question?
    nltimv likes this.
  18. Congratulations! Also, thanks for hosting this giveaway. Would you rather be an irl billionaire or own a bunch of items that are priceless? Number 17 please!
    nltimv likes this.
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