[Competition] Win An elytra !

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MLG_Subtastic, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Welcome to this thread :p

    As you can see by the title and i probebly know you want an elytra.
    you can only win it by having the highest score in.....
    wait for it

    To Enter you must
    1. Play a game of diep.io and take a screen shot of your highest score!
    2. You must Name your player by your IGN (in game name)
    3. When you screen shot have a tab opened to the EMC webstie as proof

    1. WING of Diep (an elytra)
    2. A Diep.Io Gun and A random Blade? (AVALANCHER AND chicken skewer)
    3. Level 45 Trophy (Beacon!)

    Good luck to all who participate
    Ends June 14

    1. jesuspower
  2. Bump. WHERE THE HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Swag rating :720
  4. I'm not sure how to see my score after I die?
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  5. thats why your suppose to screenshot it before

  6. Now my hands hurt :/
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  7. um wheres ur name?
  8. Haha just got so much

    I actually got up to 53 something thousand but I died in 2 shots by this crazy guy and could not screen shot!

    Good luck guys :p
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  9. I was under attack at the time. Can do it again, I guess.
  10. remember guys
    To Enter you must
    1. Play a game of diep.io and take a screen shot of your highest score!
    2. You must Name your player by your IGN (in game name)*just incase ur name is commen
    3. When you screen shot have a tab opened to the EMC webstie as proof
  11. I killed so many people, they just got in the line of my fire and got destroyed
    These big guys died to me also, this one guy had 26k
    10/10 game would play again

    I used my IRL name not my EMC name but theres an EMC website tab open as proof I think
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  12. this has reach 100 views. Challenge considered? Anyway

  13. If your name is on there you have qualified :)
    Hrghorhg likes this.
  14. Killed some guy with 604k Score and then died right after >_<
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  15. My score was 23k but I didn't get a picture so here's a picture after I died.
    Lil_Spartan_Cat and UltiPig like this.
  16. Choose a machine gun class and double your score. Every time I play as them I always get 40k+ points
    Make sure to choose the spitter thing and max reload
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  17. Please sign me up for the challenge. I'd love to win an Elytra.

    (It doesn't matter, but my best score was 16k more than what's showing, but I suicided fighting the guy named #1 and we both died. :D)
    I have to say, the game was annoying at first because I just kept getting wiped before I could get any levels. But then it was fun. I got to protect the lowbies! And in turn, they level'd up and tried to kill me. Such is life! Haha!

    607, Hrghorhg and MLG_Subtastic like this.
  18. I played for a little bit. Never again. :rolleyes:
  19. I got to level 35 then some jerks killed me. EVERYONE KEEPS TEAMING!
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.