[Auction] Getting rid of a few meteor bows(26)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by LtCaptainMe, May 19, 2016.

  1. Items: 26 meteor bows
    Starting price: 1r
    Minimum bid increase: 1r
    Auction ends: 36 hours after last bid.
    Pickup/Preview: #7592 smp3, if smp3 is unavailable due to wild bases, pickup can be #200 smp1
  2. Are these the ones i Sold you?


    Just so its a legal post :p
    LtCaptainMe and 607 like this.
  3. Maybe:rolleyes:
  4. 10k
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  5. 15K
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  6. 20k
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  7. 30k
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  8. 32k
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  9. 100k
    LtCaptainMe and 607 like this.
  10. 110k
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  11. 120k
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  12. 130k
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  13. 140k

    fndy, fndy, fndy..
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  14. 150k

    It seems that your spelling of my name is almost as bad as your bids! :rolleyes: