{AMA} Ask Me Anything - 4 Years on EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by finch_rocks_1, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. I'll be lazy and shoot back some stuff at you :D

  2. You too? Ok then. How many chucks would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? No estimations please.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  3. I will do yours tomorrow :p
    700 pounds...
    And what do you mean You Too? If its about the AMA.... I was before the others.... look at the dates :p
    607 likes this.
  4. How many rupees do you and all your alts have? Also, how many tokens?
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  5. Well, I heard it from a friend at school, where i then researched it and here i am now, :p

    I cant remember the year, but it was back when there was like 5 blocks in the game, lol...

    Well, i used to build and play on a different server that only had an average of 3 players at any time, lol... but then that server was shut down, so me and a friend went to go look for a non-pvp server and found this server, so we joined, and I stayed, and he left...

    Well, I Collect Rocks, and I am a Movie Fanatic, if you named any movie there is a 90% chance i have seen it, if its a known movie lol. I also watch a lot of tv shows, I have just about 15 active Seasons i am watching right now....

    When i grew up, I also collected Trains, but not the Small ones, more or less the large ones... like this...

    That is more or less the same as mine :p

    Well, I get on, and I build, and gather items, and sometimes go afk :p I vote every night, and sometimes i watch a movie or show every once in a while.... very basic on EMC :p

    Poutine, That is number one, then there is the Bacon with Maple Syrup :p
    607 likes this.
  6. Lets just go with Enough.... I have enough money to build and not run out of cash.....
  7. You thread says, ask me anything. I suppose it doesn't say you will necessarily answer it. Let me ask another. Which way would you rather die. Smashed under a giant piece of celery or kicked to death by a giraffe?
    Khalietal likes this.
  8. why u cool?
  9. Can you explain why you think this???
  10. How do you think you have grown as a person since you joined EMC? aka what has it taught you that you will keep for the rest of your life
  11. I guess it would go somewhere along the lines of....

    EMC, shows that not everyone is rude.... and that there are alway going to be people who support you and be friends with you and who you really are.

    I never grew up with lots of friends, so I really notice this on EMC.

    I would type more but I am on my cell phone.
    Khalietal, 607 and tuqueque like this.
  12. I hope you knew this was coming your way too!

    607 likes this.
  13. Your nice and have a lot of friends.
    Also have a nice place/area around res
  14. Well, first let me congratulate you on your 4 years here. :cool: Took me almost as long to read this thread. Not sure if there's must left to ask following Khalietal's list, but I'll try, and if you ever get around to getting through all of his, well here goes.

    Based on the Poutine, I can tell you're from back east, but have you been to the west? (smoked salmon tops it for me) re:the photo of Butchart Gardens. Worked there back in the day when Mr. Ross was still alive. If you visited where'd ya go? What did you enjoy if anything? When I go east, what areas do you think I should see?

    It seems by your travel list you enjoy the tropics. ever thought about Costa Rica or Nicaragua? Lots of outdoors stuff. Where do you most want to travel to? especially after you get rich & famous (ie.previous topic) If you like traveling what do you like best about it?

    As for the Empire how do you find it compares to say 2 or 3 years ago. Has it grown? Is there more or less participation? Did you pick smp6... or just stayed on your landing server? What events do you enjoy if any? Do you participate in them much?

    As a newcomer, and for others like me, do you have any wise advice regarding playing on EMC?

    that should do... for now...

    607 likes this.
  15. I can't take credit on the question list. Finch was the original poster on my AMA 4 years and I just give him the payback for it mwahaha :p
  16. Yep, I did notice that. The list almost gave me a brain freeze. :confused:
    Khalietal likes this.
  17. i will answer when i am done eating.... but to clear something up.... I am not a guy....
    Khalietal likes this.
  18. OMG! I actually never knew!

    All these years I thought I was having a Bromance with you :D

    Well, nice to meet you again then :) :p
    607 likes this.
  19. Hahahahahaha