[DEBATE] Presidential Election - 2016 (closing Nov 22)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Erektus, Sep 9, 2015.



Donald Trump (R) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
Hillary Clinton (D) 138 vote(s) 50.0%
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  1. We need to be pumping out more CO2. Or else Earth will be unlivable in 600 million years. The Sun's increasing luminosity begins to disrupt the carbonate–silicate cycle; higher luminosity increasesweathering of surface rocks, which traps carbon dioxide in the ground as carbonate. As water evaporates from the Earth's surface, rocks harden, causing plate tectonics to slow and eventually stop. Without volcanoes to recycle carbon into the Earth's atmosphere, carbon dioxide levels begin to fall.[50] By this time, carbon dioxide levels will fall to the point at which C3 photosynthesis is no longer possible. All plants that utilize C3 photosynthesis (~99 percent of present-day species) will die.
    Hashhog and TotoStyle like this.
  2. The earth will be unlivable considering today's technology in much less than 600 million years due to other factors.
    SoulPunisher and Dektirok like this.
  3. Yeah, you're right. It's way early because the person I want is not even on the poll (Bernie Sanders) because he still has a chance of winning. I want Bernie sanders because he wants to restore the law and make it so that people can only donate $5,000.00 to a campaign. This will cause in the government to give less support to factory farms and oil companies because the government won't get huge funds from those bad corporations spewing money at them.
  4. Lance2013 likes this.
  5. Yes, this was a common theme in high school and middle school history alike...
    And even though they may not have intentionally distributed the blankets on the scale we learn about, we have done plenty of other horrible things to the native americans, denying that would be an ironically ignorant statement.
    Hopefully we could see that decision reversed in the near future even if bernie does not get elected, with justice Scalia out. It depends on how the next justice would rule on the case, Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission.
    The Marxists were not bolsheviks.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  6. Agree, misinformation is widely spread in high school and middle school history alike. :)
    Gawadrolt, TsuriNeko and Lance2013 like this.
  7. I didn't say there was an ignorant statement, I was merely mentioning it for the sake of maintaining my point.
    The bolsheviks are to Marxism as Extreme religion is to popular religion. Not all marxists hated america. The bolsheviks wanted power, the marxists wanted true economic equality.
    That's one thing we can agree on =P
    Dektirok, God_Of_Gods and JesusPower2 like this.
  8. The United States didn't exist when this happened so it wouldn't be possible for US to do so.
  9. Of course. America is built on equal opportunity, not true perfect economic equality, which is indeed unachievable by humans at least.
    I tie this into why I support Bernie Sanders:
    America was built on equal opportunity, which is a principal we have strayed far from. My aunt graduated from the University of Virginia fifteen years ago and is still tens of thousands in debt, and I can see myself there in 20 years which is a problem. No, I don't think it's greedy, I believe it's reasonable to not be in huge debt for an education that is essentially mandatory to get anywhere in life in this present day and age. I think what's greedy are companies like Apple which store huge percentages of their earnings in banks in places like Sweden so they don't have to pay American Taxes on it.

    As a Catholic I believe in helping the poor, it's one of the greatest principles in the bible and the church. Yes, I acknowledge that some of Bernie's proposals will make it easier for a select few to be lazy and exploit their way through life. Does that mean that all of the people who would genuinely benefit from his programs shouldn't get the support they need? Nope. If a hundred people could slack off for every one poor person that got an equal chance in life, it would be totally worth it in my opinion.

    As human beings we are all entitled to a fair chance in life, and that's nonexistent in America today. That's why I think we need to see Bernie or at least his proposals in action.

    By the way, the bulk of this post was not directed at you lance :p I was just speaking my mind.
    Dr_Chocolate14 likes this.
  10. The USA existed in 1837 lol. Ward claims the USA did this to the Mandan Indians
  11. Hello, everyone :). My but this conversation gets interesting. While I do have my own opinions on many of the subjects here, there is only one topic I wish to dip my toe into. Research. Google is wonderful, splendid and so easy. I remember when I had to go to my book shelf to find what little info I had and then down to the library. The best was sitting on a bench or under the trees listening to the oldtimers telling me the stories of their lives.

    Have you ever gone to a web site and seen something and then gone back again and its gone or changed? No joke it is a real thing. The news changes according to what they want us to know. There is an internet archive set up I heard about that is trying to take "snapshots" of the internet. They want to try to make an archive of the history of the internet.

    Look back in time, calendars change according to the new ruler, history is rewritten according to who wants what to be known. This is a known fact that whoever is top dog gets to say how things went down. Our government is famous for splendid stories about "what happened" when something else happened. Anyone familiar with Guatemala and the American Fruit Co. back in the 1940' or 1950's or I think? The unification and joining of the Hawaiian people and the haole's (white people)?

    Basically, I would just like to say I learned so much from people who lived the times, learned from old books, being in places where things happened and researching online. The thing is, be skeptical about your search findings from all sources but especially on the internet. I did a search once and found a site that is trying to prove that there is no way Hitler could have killed as many Jews as he did. You can find anything on google.
  12. Just because the abortion is currently legal doesn't mean we should stop fighting to change that, imo.

    Well, anyone who claims they hate anyone or anything (Other than the Clintons :p) isn't a "good Christian". I am pro water boarding, because if we can extract information about future attacks and save the life of Americans without killing anyone, I believe we should do it. I have no stance on the death penalty. Even though they deserve to live as long a life as possible, most people who are sentenced are such a danger to others that even in prison they could inflict masses of pain and suffering. And I don't "hate gays", but I do believe that homosexual interaction is morally wrong. But, it's no worse than the sins I commit on a daily basis, so there's no need for me to try and take action against it...

    Yea, I don't know that much about the statistic relation between education and party, but I do know there's some pretty smart people on both sides of the table. So, yeah.

    The only way I believe global warming effects me is by doubling my energy bill. All research that "proves" global warming was conducted by scientists sponsored by left wing advocates. The world climate is always changing, it's not some new phenomenon cause by our absolute carelessness. But, that's my stance. I'd prefer not to argue about it, because I'm one of very, very few in this community that doesn't "believe" in climate change.

    I would like to ask your opinions on Bernie declaring that he would "stop at nothing" to defend planned parenthood, and also your stance on evolution.
    Lance2013 and TechNinja_42 like this.
  13. I thought we were still talking about when the pilgrims first made contact with them.
  14. What are we talking about anymore? It started with this .

    What do you think each candidate can bring to the country?

    What do you like/dislike most about Donald Trump?

    What do you like/dislike most about Hillary Clinton?

    Have you been keeping up with Political news?

    What would you like to see happen to improve the United States?
    TsuriNeko likes this.
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