My first go at a Minecraft Server - Hello everyone!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Matthewbe, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. I live there and talk all the time of course if I am online xD
    jossytheninja likes this.
  2. Welcome Matthew! ^_^
    If you haven't attend any of the events that are staff hosted yet, I highly recommend a miner mania event. You can be as social or as lone wolf as you want to be lol or can be during a group event :p
    It was my first event I ever attended on emc, and in my opinion one of the best to get a feel for the community.
    607 likes this.
  3. Welcome to our quirky community, Matthewbe!

    I hope to see you around, making millions upon millions of rupees (along with friends, too)! If you need any supplies or anything to help you start off, I'll be more than happy to give you a helping hand :)

    Enjoy your eternal stay on EMC!
  4. Welcome to EMC. Sounds like you will fit right in.
  5. Ah, welcome!
    Nice introduction!
    Do you think, alongside the game, you'll spend some time on the forums, too? :)
  6. I'll take a stop by! Living in the wild is what I plan to do, too. Thanks!

    Never meant it offensively, I just like to take a few pokes. I love how diverse this community is, thanks for the informative link!

    Haha, sounds good to me! Fighting a staff member would be an unfair fight on my end though ;). Thanks!

    Community looks pretty amazing I gotta say! Loving the camaraderie here.

    Thanks, and I will! Sounds interesting haha.

    Thanks! Oh I will.
    jossytheninja and 607 like this.
  7. Thank you! Oh definitely. Foruming is something I used to do quite often but it's been tough because my previous places became too large and the community started breaking off. It's nice to have found a tight-knit place I can converse and such again.

    Thanks! Hoping so. :)
    607 and Eviltoade like this.
  8. Hey , Welcome to EMC. :)

    I think know you'll love it here. As the Evil one said, anything you need or need to know, just ask - there's always someone around that will be only too pleased to help you out.

    See you around :)
    Eviltoade likes this.
  9. Nice to meet another mod here now, too! Thanks for the welcome! I may forget a couple things but that's what the mobile tutorial is for right?

    Thank ya! I'll try to earn my way up like the rest. :) Thanks again!

    That sounds pretty fun! I've always been a miner of sorts. I actually just love digging tunnels for whatever reason. I'll pull up a screenshot of the cave system of the map I've been playing on with a single friend from college for the past month or so. Miles of tunnels and hundreds of chests of cobblestone. 5x4 tunnels all the way haha. I'll give it a shot!

    Haha, thanks! Haven't played Five Nights, though.
  10. First of all welcome to the Empire!

    Yeah, EMC is really picking up on vanilla gameplay and adds plenty of custom features to it without making the original game feel alien to you (at least that's my impression of things). There's plenty of stuff which enhances gameplay (like your compass; when you go mining your compass will point the way back) but in the end it's still more or less vanilla.

    Well... Until Momentus or Marlix comes out to welcome you to the wastelands (or frontier) ofcourse :D

    Also: if there's still some stuff puzzling you then know that we have a very extensive wiki which contains pretty much anything you might want to know about EMC. I'd definitely check out the new player guide at least.

    Warning... you probably know this already but I am not taking any chances here... Empire Minecraft has something which is known as the derelict timeout, you can find more information on:

    Basically: if you're idle (offline) for an x amount of time then you risk losing your residence and everything on it. This may sound nasty at first (or in the way I put it) but this is set in place to make sure that the server doesn't gradually fill up with unused residences up to the point where there's no more room for new players. This has actually (somewhat) happened before.

    You're new so right now your derelict timer is set at 10 days. So if you don't come back in-game within a week you risk going derelict. A good way to prevent it is to hop into the game, or to vote for our server.

    Sorry for welcoming you right off with an essay of my own but after reading your thorough introduction I'm not taking chances, like I said above ;)

    Well, in that case forget what I said above about sorry for my essay, you'll just have to get used to them from here on <mwua ha ha ha> :p

    Well... it might but doesn't have to. It's one of the things I like best about EMC myself: Play your way. It's way more than a mere marketing phrase, it's actually true. If you want to gang up then you'll probably have plenty of options for that, but if you prefer to be a res dweller then that's perfectly fine too!

    Maybe a little bit of both?

    Anyway, hope to meet you in-game sometimes and most of all I hope you'll be having as much fun on the Empire as I always have :)
    tuqueque and 607 like this.
  11. SMP8 has quantity, others have quality! <runs like heck!> :D

    Just so we're clear guys: That was obviously a joke :p
    607 and Kytula like this.
  12. Welcome. I have some experience with what your coming from. I used to develop mods for gta, halo, cod and a few others. I also used to be staff on xbox live.

    Anyway, emc is like a family. If you need help just ask. we even have a mumble channel where many are on very often. And there is a wiki with lots of info.

    What sever do you hail from?
  13. *throws batman confetti*

  14. Welcome to EMC!
    Hope to see you around! ^^
    haastregt likes this.
  15. You picked the right sever
  16. Welcome to EMC.
  17. *chants* one of us. one of us.
  18. Welcome! Smp7, 8, and 4 are the best! :p