[AUCTION] unused toothpick

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Ariesis, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. Its outside my shop ready to be bought
  2. Thats something you should not do again, chances you might be reported for not giving the item your auctioning if it was ever sold out. Thanks for the auction tho.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. I'd like to confirm what Steve said above.

    You should not use shop signs to deal with auctions because you'd risk that someone else could come in before the auction winner, buys your item and then you got a major issue on your hands because you're required to provide the item. Auctions are binding, so if you bid on an item you're required to pay if you win, and if you're selling an item you're obviously also required to provide.

    In the future you should use access signs instead (follow link). Just place a chest, put the item in it and then an access sign with the name of the auction winner above it. This way only the winner will be able to pick up the item.

    As a tip: you could consider using a preview sign during / before the auction, then replacing it with an access sign as soon as you got a winner. This way there can be no doubt what so ever about the item. Also because you're reserving it for the future auction winner.

    For more information about all this please see the rules concerning auctions:

    ww2fan168 likes this.
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