[Official Road Edit Thread] Show Off your Road Edits!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by finch_rocks_1, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. My simple road edit is finished :p

    Planning to do the other sides later.
  2. what texture pack is finch on?
  3. I am using Shaders, SEUS, Search it up on google, First Link. Does not work with Intel HD Graphics. And needs a Beast Computer (Or Laptop, like me). hehe
  4. I have some good pictures of mine on a different computer (also of poor matheus doing one of his first tasks right after he got promoted :p)

    So kind of a reminder I have to post here lol
    Patr1cV and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  5. Bumpo,

    Road Edits are cheaper now!!

    Show off your New Roads, and if you need a shader screen let me know,
  6. meh... for me, road edits only got more expensive (or more time consuming, but I am lazy xD) :3
    Patr1cV likes this.
  7. Finally got around to take some pics of my road edits. Note that I'm still in the process of making more, so in the end all of my lots will have road edits surrounding them.

  8. I don't know why I've never noticed this till now. A thread about 'YOUR' road edits, yet you have shown mine here and have acclaimed credit for them? Im not sure what makes me more upset. The fact I never noticed or the fact people think you made them?
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  9. I was asked to take them, and i never took credit, I just took pictures of others roads coz my shaders.
    Kytula likes this.
  10. No no, you are missing my point. For everyone else's edits you featured. You said this is so and so's. Great example with Q's edit. You state its hers. With mine, not a single name as to who made it, yet you describe each one's size as if your the original architect of the road. Sorry that doesn't fly with me really well. I don't know who would contact you to take pictures of 'MY' road edits to post them on the forums. It just seems a little fishy and I don't think that was the case.
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  11. The road edit Moonglum_ and I built together to have between our residences, 9297 and 9445, on 4.

  12. poof asked..
  13. Awwww yeah, can't wait to get pics of mine! Or someone with a cool texture pack go take pics :)
    Kytula likes this.
  14. This is a creative viewpoint of my residences are in smp7. I still need to figure out a "Nether scene" for my 4 residences but this is what you will see going there.
    cadgamer101, finch_rocks_1 and Kytula like this.
  15. i have little archways over my roads, does that count?
  16. Yes, anything that deals with road edits will count.
  17. Yes Poof Asked, and not only that,

    I noted the Res it is located near, as there is not just one owner, it is several, so i was not sure what owner to put.
  18. i have this around every road 'entrance' area around my two res' on smp7
    so i've got 3 of these on each res, but two that had to be added by bigdavie where there was a road actually separating them. so 8? i think in total.

    it isn't much though..
    but speaking of these... see those banners????
    cadgamer101, Kytula and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  19. 10/10 I love these! You're such a great architect
    Kytula likes this.