Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Ik im only kidding :p
    We3_Nub likes this.
  2. I love broken links
    HxCami10 likes this.
  3. if you'd look at a few other posts they did finally fix it up above :p wow. much attention. xD
    Gawadrolt and 607 like this.
  4. Nah I am really bord and want someone to talk to lol
  5. I was waiting for my car to warm up but it never did bc jeep
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  6. Jcplugs? Is that you? :eek:
    Chopsiee and battmeghs like this.
  7. obviously :p
  8. I know, I recognised her instantly, but I hadn't seen her in a while so it surprised me! :)
    Chopsiee and battmeghs like this.
  9. She knows whom I'm talking about, ;) and she is not random. :rolleyes:
    Patr1cV and battmeghs like this.
  10. Here's a cute picture of me (left) and my girlfriend on the right (NexusRend) c:

  11. Jeep you say? I have a few, and all of their heaters work too good.

    In fact, the one in my Wrangler gets so hot that when I used to live in Colorado, it cracked my windshield thrice haha

    To keep with the likeness of the thread....

    This technically wasn't taken in 2016, but meh.

  12. can i haz? i needz. haz please?
    Gawadrolt and Chopsiee like this.
  13. The Jeep, camping at 8000ft, the Sierra Mountains, or all of the above?

    The Jeep I'll have to woefully decline. You see, I've busted many a knuckle and spent many an hour building her up from a sad and depressed stock Jeep, that begged only to be dragged and smashed into boulders and the like.

    And in keeping with the spirit of the thread...

    At just under 8000ft, standing on Silver Lake.

    Couple years back at this same time it was frozen over with no snow in sight, allowing for us and a group of friends to spend the day with a BBQ grill on the lake, and playing pond hockey.
    AnonReturns, XER0X, Roslyn and 5 others like this.
  14. I've been found out! D:
    Mine seems to be struggling with the negative degree weather going on. When it's above 10 degrees out it seems to work just fine :) I love my jeep
    607, battmeghs and ShrinkingMatt like this.
  15. I was totally bored and thought I'd share.

  16. TomvanWijnen likes this.
  17. Having some fun with Corel Draw X7. This a vector image I created based on a photo. Sporting my camo beanie that I knit by hand.

  18. Ooh, that looks quite cool!
    FadedMartian likes this.
  19. Got a new laptop and was messing around with the camera, this one turned out alright.

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