[Buying] 2 Voter's Bows

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Danizaurs, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. I subtracted their cost from the total price so it wouldn't matter
  2. Which is what we're sure has happened to her unfortunately ):
  3. Mail* Aikar because he handles technical stuff, and Kryssy deals with player things only. :)
    Just giving information.

    *Private message on forums
  4. Krysyy still handles missing voter items. It's not just player things.
    Krysyy and FDNY21 like this.
  5. Thanks for clearing me up! ;)
  6. What voting streak do you have to have to get a Voter's Bow? Just wondering while everyone is on the topic of Voter's Bows.
  7. 200. Refer here.
  8. How long does it take her to respond?
    It's been a few days now
  9. Not to get hopes low, but my friend has been waiting a couple months =P
  10. Oh man T.T It'd prolly be easier for my sister to just buy another MC account and vote every day on that...
  11. I'm sure its an extreme case, I wouldn't drop hopes
  12. Bump the thing...
  13. They have :p
  14. Then that sucks, lol
  15. Make sure I'm still in the conversation.

    Remember I lost quite a few messages due to #ChinBrokeTheForums

    We had a few in waiting due to a policy change that could have been lost in this.
    FoxyRavenger and ShelLuser like this.
  16. Apparently they did, will text them now
  17. No problem. The policy change should go out after tonight's Death Event, so if anything they can bump it again and I can handle it easier then. Sorry for any delays on these. Been some back and forth on what we should/shouldn't do.
  18. for 400k i'll certainly sell mine :)
  19. I'm pretty interested :D Let me see how many rupees I have? I won't be able to get back to ya until around 6pm PST (9pm EMC) because I'm currently at work
  20. Okay so I do have enough but I start my shift in a fee minutes. What time do you think we could work this out? I work 2 to 6pm today and 2 to 6pm on Thursday (pst or California time) but I do have enough rupees to buy it. Let me know your schedule.