closed [giveaway] my 4th birthday!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by batmegh, Feb 3, 2016.

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  1. hello everyone! :D
    it is my fourth birthday today! wooooot, and with that came the empire senior trophy! hehe.. i also noticed i'm now an elite member! :D *throws confetti*

    to enter the giveaway, please follow the rules!

    • i know some people will want to enter who don't know me at all.. and that is fine, but lets be friends if you don't know me? send me a message! leave a comment!
      - just enter simply by requesting a number that isn't taken (then read the following rules!) and then lets fix that not knowing thing? xD
    • if you do know me, but we haven't really talked, lets fix that! lol
    • if you do know me, and you've been in the presence of my pixel self please post some screenshots (if you have them) and if you don't, no worries! its just a fun thing i want to try! and post as many as you'd like.. of me and you, or me somewhere in a screenshot that you've got! i think it would be awesome to see what people have! lol i doubt many of you actually have any.. buuut there may be some floating around somewhere.
    • if you do not have any photos, simply tell me a memory we share/something you like about me/something we've done/or something i've done to make you laugh or enjoy the empire more! or some nice words for me xD? i don't know.
    • do not use alts, i will make sure no one abuses this!
    • please keep screenshots in one of your posts (if you post more than once) just edit your original message and add the screenshot!
    • please double check/triple check you're not taking someones already chosen number, check every post, please.
    • simply just asking for a number without anything else will not get you entered.
    • if you're a dear friend of mine, and you post but don't request a number.. i will give you one! lol (two of you so far :p) ya bums. ;)
    i am realllly hoping i see a lot of screenshots though, xD please also be patient for your name to show up on the list, as i've got work and such and can't add them while away from my computer!
    more numbers (may) or may not be added, it all depends!
    AlexChance, Porphos, khixan and 9 others like this.
  2. 1. SkeleTin007
    2. ToddV
    3. JesseJames_
    4. Eviltoade
    5. nuclearbobomb
    6. GameBoy999
    7. FWRonald
    8. Crazy_TJ
    9. plamencia
    10. Dufne
    11. crafter31211
    12. fBuilderS
    13. EnderMagic1
    14. Raging_Hedgehogs
    15. Porphos
    16. jjp360
    17. Kold_Ice
    18. tuqueque
    19. Senpai_PinkCaker
    20. SteamboatWillie
    21. FDNY21
    22. ESSELEM
    23. ElmofiedBoby
    24. GeneralWillikers
    25. Slymanbran
    26. Inuyasha1204
    27. Allicanto
    30. Rundercaster
    31. HannahEB
    32. Jinkers
    34. Keliris
    37. Rhythmically
    38. TomvanWijnen
    41. Devuu
    42. Tigerstar
    44. Hashhog
    47. fisher9876543210
    50. FunGem
    52. ww2fan168
    55. OrigamiJoe
    58. 607
    60. God_Of_Gods
    62. Chizmaro
    63. BearJedi
    64. tnt_creeper64
    65. HennessyVenomGT
    66. ObscureGolem
    67. luckycordel
    68. Jelle68
    69. Qkazoochan
    71. Davinchicken
    73. padde73
    75. RealTomsmasher
    77, nltimv
    80. TrapThem
    81. mercenaries2009
    83. FrozenForger
    86. deathconn
    88. AnimalGirl120
    89. Dj__Krazy
    93. EmoryCrafts
    95. Dim5678
    97. Kyzoy
    99. Ethy202
    100. HxCami10
  3. 12 please :D
    Happy bday. I've know you but we've never really talked :p No screenshots :I
    battmeghs likes this.
  4. Congratulations on 4 years of EMC! :D
    Just like fBuilderS, I do know you, but I don't think we've ever really talked, so I don't have any screenshots... I'll just ask for number 38 then. :)
    fBuilderS and battmeghs like this.
  5. I've seen you around but we've never talked, but making new friends is great! I'll take the number 62
    Now we should hang out so I can get screenshots of ya
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. Hi Meghs. I've seen you around but I believe we only talked on that other server that is not there now. :) I'll take number 7 please. ;) Happy 4 years on this great server.
    Patr1cV and battmeghs like this.
  7. 24 and i really don't know you but lets get that fixed sometime.
    battmeghs likes this.
  8. 21 please!

    Remember when I had Marlixias as a secret alt and I used your EMC wallpaper as my avatar? I remember it came up on a google search so that's why I used it :p It's not a secret account any more and it's now got a different name and avatar but I thought that's something I should mention, hehe!
    battmeghs likes this.
  9. battmeghs likes this.
  10. >_>
    i have some screenshots you took.. my proof is your hand matches my screenshot of you xD

    also... my favorite screenshot of you, like, ever.

    607 and FDNY21 like this.
  11. ;) 69!

    I think ive met you once ingame, I stalked you cause your name was batt and I was creeping behind you saying "nannananana batman"
    Patr1cV and battmeghs like this.
  12. Congratulations!
    I've seen you in game before, I kindda know you, but we've never really talked. Next time I see you in game, I'll be sure to say hello! So, I guess i'll just asked for number 31 please xD
    battmeghs likes this.
  13. Thanks for the giveaway happy birthday !
    Haven't talk to you to much but I guess I'll have to change that pretty soon :)!
    Number 11 if I may choose
    battmeghs and HannahEB like this.
  14. Number 77.

    I do know you, but haven't really talked to you or something. I'd love to do so :)
    battmeghs likes this.
  15. Happy 4th B-day to you dude, I might not know you, but I hope to get to know you soon!
    May we be friends in the future soon.
    I will have #1 please :)
    battmeghs likes this.
  16. Congrats on your 4th
    67 Please:D
    battmeghs likes this.
  17. This is the screenshot I was trying to find to show you! This is when I was re-doing my res I think? :p It's come a long way, so much different! Thanks Megh!

    That last picture too, I remember that one xD
  18. there is a send conversation button i am willing to accept new friends! xD :p

    thank you for all the birthday wishes :p (so far)
    joshrocks78 and 607 like this.
  19. 23 plz!

    So, uh, who are you again? Jk jk. Wait, I still don't know who you are. Whatever, that doesn't matter lol.

    What's yo favorite thing to keep things real on EMC (after all, you've been playing for 4 long years)?
    battmeghs likes this.
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