Treasure hunt!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Ritunn, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. Ya that's what's in there.
  2. Sometimes the prize isn't what you thought it would be. Sometimes you are disappointed. But still you have to look at the bigger picture and not only for the prize :).
    As I think a big point of this was for you to have fun wondering where it could be with all the clues. Like: "Hey, can it be this place? Oh no it wasn't but then it maybe can be at the other place." And so on.
    Also another part was to just explore wild places you maybe haven't been on, and just that did Shadow state above.

    So to just summon this up, we should maybe not be disappointed in what the award is, but just be glad that a person have put down his time for a fun event for others. :)
    Shadow_dcord likes this.
  3. I'm more disappointed in the fact that Shadow kept saying "there's treasure in there" and "i added more treasure" and "it's all valuable, lucrative treasure" he actually thought it was treasure.

    well, whatever. i ended up not spending time looking for it, and i guess i can't exactly judge others' perception of "treasure".
    Rhythmically likes this.
  4. That's what I was thinking. The point was to have a adventure not to find treasure. Also the treasure was only lucrative because that is what I said and you choose to believe that, also helped get you excited.
  5. Was it by Catharga?
    Dufne likes this.
  6. So, you lied and scammed.
    Although the only thing you took away was our time, so it's not even report-worthy.
  7. Why are you so annoyed anyways? You didn't even bother to look for the treasure, according to yourself. It's not like you know if everybody thought it was a waste of time. As mentioned before the point was never the treasure.
    Rhythmicaly likes this.

  8. For one thing it wasn't a scam. Also why are you getting so worked up over something you didn't participate in?
    You been negative from when this thread was created. Why? He didn't lie either. It's not like everyone can afford 150k of promos to be given away for free. Take in to consideration in what people can provide for the community before you try to get worked up over it. :)
    Shadow_dcord and Rhythmicaly like this.
  9. I already explained. Feel free to re-read if you want.

    I already explained. Feel free to re-read if you want.
  10. Well if you were bothered by the post in the beginning what was the advantage you saw to rant about it even more?
  11. You never had to bother with the whole thing you could have just left it alone you know.
    Fortune_V likes this.
  12. That's what I'm trying to do. But you keep quoting me (and therefore notifying me, despite that I've unwatched this thread multiple times).
  13. Then just stop commenting and I will stop quoting deal?
  14. It's the other way around.
    I'm not so nice as to ignore personal provokes.

    Besides that, now that the treasure has been found, shouldn't you ask for this thread to be closed? I'll do it for you if you refuse.
  15. And why is that?
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