Marlix... Something Needs To Change

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by PlasmaBanana, Dec 3, 2015.


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Some Things. 7 vote(s) 31.8%
  1. I can take down a momentus in 15 seconds marlix and its gardians are impossible to kill i litterly spent an hour fighting nothing but gardians cause they spawn way to quikly to even get a single hit on the marlix.
    MatthewDA likes this.
  2. I don't fight him anymore either. Just too frustrating and takes too long. I used to enjoy fighting him. I can't even remember why he was changed in the first place. It's just one thing. Au revoir, there are plenty of other fun things to do in the Empire. No biggy.
  3. I'd rather be concentrating on an epic shootout with a mini boss then a knock down, drag out with a bunch of goofy guardians.
    DrMadFate likes this.
  4. I agree fully with shell. This fight is supposed to be ranged, but strongly lacksuggest that component when you barely have enough time to equip a bow before more close combat roaches spawn next to you
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. I can make it random around you, thats doable.

    But note that no guardians would just be a linear fight. Guardians force you to constantly switch focus, making it more beneficial for teamwork. All of these fights are intended to be based on team play. If you have 2 people, 1 can focus on marlix while other does guardians+marlix.

    Anyone taking out Momentus in 15s is too quick.... So that means Momentus will need to receive some modifications too ;)

    Making fights 'easier' through tactics is one thing, but 15s is purely not even a challenge.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. I fight a lot of momentus on difficulty 5-6 with smite 5, fire aspect and strength 2 potion and it certainly takes longer than 15 seconds. However, Momentus is not designed to take terribly long either way. You killing it or it killing you.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  7. Of course. But the way I see it that's the real issue with Marlix right now: the guardians are a linear fight at this point. Namely melee. And because they spawn on top of you there really isn't much option to add any strategy in. The moment they get spawned someone has to get their sword and slug it off.

    Creating some space would definitely help I think.

    Just so we're clear: I'm not asking for an easier fight, most certainly not. But I am hoping for a more fun fight.
    Last time I fought Momentus with my friend OldManWillikers3 we almost spend 20 - 30 minutes on it. Difficulty 9. It was a major slugfest and a grind, getting killed over and over and over again (we're both die hard voters, so we fought using our voters gear). It was frustrating, and eventually I did lower the group difficulty (doubt it did us any good but hey!).

    But honestly: it was the best Momentus battle I've had on EMC so far. Totally brutal, sometimes you got killed right after jumping in the pool (in the middle of dozens of guardians) but we had the time of our lives.

    Got a ticking tock promo out of it, which is now sitting in OldMan's promo wall for all of us to watch & enjoy :)

    Just saying: Momentus can be brutal and lethal too. Quite frustrating even. But so much fun!
  8. I suggest doubling the HP (102 --> 204). It's just too easy to kill, especially if Momentus gets stuck in a hole. In that case, he's able to be killed in under 30 seconds. So, a few suggestions:

    Allow Momentus to teleport randomly out of water pools and holes.

    And this one I think is really interesting: give Momentus the ability to nerf potion effects. Every 20 seconds, half of the player's effects will go to Momentus. For example, if you had 1:20 of Strength II, Momentus would 'steal' some of it, and you and the Momentus would both have Strength I for 0:40. Level I potions wouldn't be stolen.

    I think it'd add quite a bit of strategy and fun to the fight.
    The thing is, Momentus isn't meant to be fought on Difficulty 9 with Voters gear. You're meant to fight him in full enchanted diamond. People with Voters armor aren't supposed to be able to kill him quickly.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  9. I know right?

    Don't mistake my rant up there as a complaint; it's not. Far from it! Honestly: we could have gone on for 90 minutes for all I cared, I had a great time back there.

    As to your suggestions... Well, this thread is about Marlix ya know :)

    I wouldn't like teleporting Momentus myself, but everything else sounds interesting.
  10. I fight Marlix on 5 and I se a power 4 bow and unenchanted diamond armor and fire resist potions.. it not that hard.
  11. No no no what i do is eat a god apple and sit next to a strength 2 beacon .....
  12. I fought one back when I was only looking for the turkeys, I spent an hour hitting him every now and then with a power 4 type of bow. Not to mention the skeletons it spawned every 10 seconds would launch me across the map and didn't drop anything. No xp, no tokens nada.
    So the skeletons it spawned are a waste of time trying to attack even after you're able to kill them. The marlax also kept coming in really close to my position a number of times. I eventually just had to leave the area and forget the turkeys I wanted to find because he wouldn't go away and wouldn't die. More of an annoyance then anything.

    Plus I got an error message after I had died at one point. Something about "you must be in iamfuturetrunks group to kill these skeletons" :S um.. yeah thats me. I couldn't do any damage to them they just wondered around and getting in the way of trying to kill the others.
    DrMadFate likes this.
  13. How about instead we just remove knockback from the guardians? Only the guardians, Idk if that's possible or not though.
  14. either that or make them spawn in waves? like everytime he loses 5 health two spawns
  15. Aikar, I dont know what everyone is complaining about. If they dont want to fight Marlix they can do difficulty 1. Personally I think Marlix should be harder, so dont worry too much about people complaining you have enough to worry about.
  16. I use sharpness IV and no fire aspect on diff 7 and it does take roughly 15 seconds to take it down. I know the time because of the timer of all the potions I use (Strenght II, speed II, regen I and fire resist) :p

    If you don't know what people are complaining about then you've not read the previous comments. Me and other people were complaining about the fight being no fun, and doing it at diff 1 doesn'tchange that. Besides, you can disagree with someone without diminishing their opinions :confused:
    slash14459 likes this.
  17. Marlixes are less scary and more annoying. I would personally be fine with boosting the flame and damage a bit on the Marlix and guardians, but reducing the speed, knockback, and guardian spawn rates.
    Dufne and Arystina like this.
  18. i just dont fight marlix, a full set of god armor is worth the same as most of his drops to repair back to full and i dont have to deal with the frustration of trying to hit a moving target while also being shot wildly around by the 4+ guardians surrounding me that i cant kill fast enough to focus on the main boss. let him despawn or fight the momentus that will spawn in the same area soon
    PlasmaBanana likes this.
  19. This. ^

    Also, what's with the insane knockback with the guardians? Anyone else being tossed back like fifty blocks every time an arrow from a Marlix Guardian hits you? I can't get anywhere near a Marlix with sword or bow because of this. Started happening with the update.