I have a confession to make...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShyguytheGamer2, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. Yeah...people were guessing it was me WAAAY too fast
  2. What do you expect from mentioning Shyguy so early?
  3. Read Phantom of the Opera?
    Or ya know, you could watch the musical...
  4. Yep...
  5. Hi LieGuyTheGamer1.
  6. Time to change my name, I see 254 views already?! Jesus...okay alt, time for a change!
  7. I think you lost some pixels.
  8. Any time someone reveals their alt to everyone, they are probably joking (*Cough* Hashhog/PenguinDJ *Cough*) :p

    But, seriously. That was obvious. :D
    ww2fan168 likes this.
  9. Bump for dis guy
  10. This picture still has better graphics than CS:GO.
  11. So the real question on some peoples mind: could there be a 3rd? :D
    607 likes this.
  12. Possibilities are possible at the end of the year (hopefully)
  13. I have a name for it!:
  14. It will be secret >:3
  15. for about 30 seconds
  16. Are you that sure? It will be pretty hard, and I'll bet my money and FDNY to guess snap like that e_e