Instead a thousand creepers are spawned on your res and ignited. I wish that someone gave me 1 million rupees
I gave you a million rupees, but a leprechaun stole them before you could grab them. I wish it would snow already.
Since the last poster didn't post a wish, I guess it's my turn. I wish that everyone would have perfect grammar.
You wiched that but in fact I doont hve purfect gramarr. I wish that Christmas was here so I could make an auction for my Dancer egg.
You get lots of pots of Gold, but then my leprechaun army steals them and gives them to me. I wish that I had an infinite supply of chocolate.
"Shoo!" I say to fBuilderS as he continues to post. I wish that you guys would stop back-and-forthing and let me get a word in.
You annoy Aikar, then he bans you from in-game and forums so you can't change your profile pic. I wish that I were an only child.