My Custom Resource Pack

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Carr_x, Oct 25, 2015.


Publicize Or Private?

Publicize It! "Its more beautiful that my girlfriend!" 58 vote(s) 92.1%
Keep it to yourself... "Even default is better" 5 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. Dont think so
    batroach likes this.
  2. Then why do some of your textures look almost identical? It looks like you've used faithful as a base and just edited them with a warp tool and/or slightly changed the colours.
    OrangeDuck607 and batroach like this.
  3. I hate that pack
    batroach likes this.
  4. Because i used pvp packs with have blocks in a higher resoloution inspired by faithful
    LizzieDestiel, ThaKloned and batroach like this.
  5. Would ya just give us da link already? :p
    batroach and wiiboy222 like this.
  6. This made my eyeballs barf rainbows, which made those rainbows barf rainbows. :eek:
  7. Is that a good thing? Because it isn't quite clear other than the 10/10. :p
    batroach likes this.
  8. I use faithful and some of the screenshots have textures that are or very close to faithful textures it may not be 32x32 but it looks a lot like it. I personally don't like the sky but that's my opinion.
    batroach and Deadmaster98 like this.
  9. Then those resource packs must have used faithful..
    The leaves and glowstone sure do look like they're from R3D
    batroach likes this.
  10. This texture pack is SIMILAR to another one!?!1//1!//!? I can't believe that two packs could be similar!!!!!!!!!


    Faithful is inspired by Vanilla, guys... and it's a 64x pack, not a 32x. Really?
  11. This goes to all the people questioning this. yes some of the texture look similar but all textures look similar to default so you could say r3d and faithful copied default.
  12. (facepalm) They clearly state that it's a better look of default which is crediting it, even when credit is not necessary
    batroach likes this.
  13. I guess i have to prove all the blocks are bigger than 32x32
    batroach likes this.
  14. You do know that faithful goes higher than 32x32 right ._.
    batroach likes this.
  15. Rainbows are always good. :D
    wiiboy222 and batroach like this.

  16. Since when? if it does i didn't know this and most likely a few of the textures will be in there i'm sorry about that. But because i did no take them directly from the resource pack and i have taken them from a pvp pack which must have already asked for permission i do not have to ask and also don;t have to ask the owners of the pvp packs because they encourage you to do what i did and edit my own to my liking. They are also widely open to all users.

    Here are the three blocks people have said look similar and out of all only one is very similar or exact which i once again did not know about because i took these from a pvp pack.
    ThaKloned and batroach like this.
  17. Why is this even an issue? It's pictures of stuff. Who cares if they are or are not similar lol Pictures!!

    This is a great pack and many would love to use it.
  18. wiinub222 you best give us the link, I need it now!
    wiiboy222 and FluffeMarshmallo like this.
  19. It matters not whether faithful is used or not.

    You should be sure you have proper permission to use other resource packs and also give them proper credits.

    This applies to faithful and any other resource pack.
    Sabil10 likes this.