[Giveaway] Giveaway of Idiotic Proportions!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ThaKloned, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. My biggest fail story was similar to yours in that I bid on an auction for a gold supporter voucher and evidently bid quite a bit more than it was worth because I didn't know what they were going for. But hey, it's just rupees.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  2. Exactly.. I've already made back my losses :D
    WayneKramer and AyanamiKun like this.
  3. Post
    Well i would ente the second giveaway, but i dont have time to write it. So... My biggest fail would be: not enteing this competition(if you did not noticed, this is an entry)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. I'd like to enter, thanks for holding the giveaway! :)
    My biggest fail would have to be during last year, when I was at a school assembly with two year groups. The teachers were giving out awards for this competition we had done earlier, and my friend and I both won something. The seats are tiered, so we had to go up a small set of stairs to get to the aisle. My friend was in front of me and she stumbled while going up the stairs, and me being the great friend I am started laughing. But then I proceeded to continue up the stairs, and trip and sprawl across the floor (I probably deserved it). But I got up, and made my way down the aisle and up onto the stage, where I then tripped over the microphone cord, in front of about 300 people. That was thoroughly embarrassing.

    Another fail I had was also last year during art class, where we were making pottery. Our class was called into our school theater by our year co-coordinator, because someone in our class had stabbed someone else's pot with a skewer and no one was confessing. The entire time I felt that my chair was slightly sinking to one side, so I tried to not put too much weight onto it. Now our year coordinator is really intimidating, and about 5 minutes in she shouted at our class and told us that until someone confessed, none of us could go to lunch. That was followed by her glaring at all of us, and it was just really silent and awkward. So of course at that moment I feel my chair lurch downwards slightly, before completely collapsing onto the floor.
    tl,dr; I tripped over twice in front of 300 people after laughing at my friend for tripping over. Another time my chair broke during a terrifying lecture with my year coordinator.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. glad to hear u already recovered ur rupees (wow, thats quick! :eek:) and id like to enter too. been a while since last competition.

    my biggest fail is when i moved from smp6 to smp4. i let some people "grief" my old build because i had too much stuff i didnt care for.mostly some stone bricks and glass and stuff. but when i unclaimed my res i forgot all about the small storage id made underground to store my mining loot. so then i lost several stacks of iron and coal and lots of stone and redstone stuff too. lol :D good thing i kept my dias and gold in enderchest!

    so now i use vault to keep my valuable stuff safe.

    /vault promos & /vault vault ftw!
    ThaKloned likes this.
  6. Bump
    tuqueque likes this.
  7. Ah: so my biggest fail.
    I went to school quite sick.
    I started coughing.
    While coughing, I started sneezing also. (Don't know how this next part is even humanly possible)
    Now, to my great regret, I closed my mouth while this was happening.
    I cough/sneezed with my mouth closed, making a very loud noise which interrupted the teacher.
    The entire class turned to look at me, while I was still in my coughing fit.

    Needless to say, I couldn't lift my head up to look around for the rest of the day.
    PenguinDJ and ThaKloned like this.
  8. My biggest fail would probably be the time I bought stuff from the Empie shop (this was on my first day)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  9. May I please be entered? :)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. Could you please enter me. :)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  11. What's my biggest fail? Life.
    Seriously, thanks for the giveaway. You still could have gotten at least SOME money back by selling the helmet again.
  12. What's a couple bucks :p This is more fun anyways.
    Abele likes this.
  13. I once was startled by a Creeper while mining and in my panic accidentally threw my sword at him while trying to switch to it while backing off. I had to run then come back so that he wouldn't blow up near it. I had done the same with picks prior to that but that incident helped me decide to move my drop key to the other side of the keyboard.
    ThaKloned likes this.
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