This question is for all the tech out there in the forums. I am asking you your oppinions about the SSDs and Hard Drive, what do you think about them, and which of them is the best.
Depends on what you're using it for. Speaking generally, SSD makes a great primary drive because it reads faster. This is what you'd want to install your OS on, as well as any programs that need to boot up at launch, like antivirus. A regular hard drive has much higher capacities for the cost, and works better as a secondary drive. This is where you'd keep your games, music, movies, and other less-critical software.
Kephras has got it... SSD is best for primary, and if you have a secondary then you can go for a regular hard drive. I personally use a regular hard drive as my primary and have no problems - BUT - an SSD is faster and if you have the money then it is worth the upgrade.
Most def SSD for your OS. I plan on getting one of these myself. SSD will be the norm in a few years so might as well keep a 2nd drive a normal HD until the price comes down alot. I've seen a 2.1 TB SSD go for 22k
Like stated I have both. My SSD has my OS and whatever game im currently playing. It makes the load time alot faster.
It's all about how much you want to spend. Sure if you got a few grand to blow, go all SSD. But if your a normal person, you should install your OS on an SSD, then put your normal files on a hard drive.
Don't store anything incredibly sensitive on an SSD. If an SSD dies (modern SSDs don't die for many hundreds of terabytes of writing anyway), then you can't recover it 99% of the time. If a hard drive dies, there's many recovery techniques that can get your data back. Optimally, you could have two of the same SSD and put them into RAID1 so that the data is mirrored on both drives so that if one dies then you still have the other and can get the data from it. However, that's obviously pretty expensive since for example you'd need 2 1 terabyte drives in RAID1 to make 1 terabyte. It cuts the drive capacity in half. Other than that, if you have the money, use SSDs for as much as you can. Certain games like Battlefield 4 can have loading times that benefit enormously, and windows loading times will be greatly benefited. SSDs are great.
Just want to throw in there that before I built my PC last year, the PC I had before that was from about 2009-2010. It wasn't that bad, and was decent for the time. It had a hard drive and it got to the point that chrome would take 10 or so seconds to load and forget about being able to sit through windows booting up - you could go grab a cup of coffee and if you're lucky it'll be done loading by then. I included a SSD boot drive in my new PC, and windows takes a maximum of 10 seconds to load and chrome is nearly instant. It's only a 60GB drive, but good enough for booting off of windows and very few key programs that I use a lot (Minecraft not included, too much space, although it does load faster with an SSD). I plan to throw in a 256GB or a 512GB drive once they're a bit cheaper (hoping for $100 for a 512GB drive). In just December of 2014, a 512GB drive would run you about 300 dollars. It's only been 8 months and they're already $150 now. I expect them to settle down somewhere around double the price of hard drives, and that's the point in which I would argue that everybody should have an SSD of some sort in their system and hard drives would become mostly a thing of the past. Hard drives are still going to make lots of sense for datacenters that are storing tons of data, plus they come with data redundancy without having to use RAID1. But for consumers, I can't see hard drives making much sense after 2016 unless you're doing some massive storage array type of thing.
Games continue to grow in size, music libraries will expand indefinitely... I know cloud storage and streaming services take some of the weight off, but on the whole I think standard HDs will have a place in the PC for a long while yet. Maybe once SSDs can hit 1-2TB capacity for something approaching a reasonable cost, HDs will take a back seat. I'm never one to discount the advances in technology, but it took a few years for USB flash-drives to be affordable, too. (I remember paying $50 for a 256mb stick, back when I was going to college. Sigh.)
SanDisk figures 2016 will bring 10TB SSDs, and the price is going down significantly at a steady pace. 1-2TB SSDs are already a thing at about $300 right now (6 times hard drive price). If 1TB drives can hit $100 (which is inevitable in a year or two), then I imagine that would be when they go (fully) mainstream.
One of the things I hate most about PC parts. No matter what you buy, it will inevitably be cheaper shortly afterwards. Then you'll look at the next-most-powerful part that cost the same now as what you paid for its little brother.
I can vouch for this, I bought two new sticks of RAM the other day and bought it for the cheapest price it was - a few days later, it's now available for five pounds cheaper on the same site... I knew that they'd go down in price but that was pretty quick!
Yup. [rant]2 months ago I looked up for how much you could sell my current video card on a second hand website. They went for around 200 euros. Last week, I looked it up again, but now they went for freaking 100 euros -.-[/rant]
I have a GTX550ti sitting on my shelf right now - swapped it out about a month ago for a 970. I don't even want to know how little it's worth at this point.
ill cover something that many others havent. are you planning on consistently upgrading this over the next ten years? if not go pure ssd, the cost comes out to about the same in the long run. a regular hard drive causes far more heat in your computer, heat = more energy on all the other components as they work throughout the years, energy = wear. personally im waiting to upgrade to ssd until a year or two from now when the memory jump happens again (like it does every three years) and that new 16 tb ssd becomes a reasonable price. also keep in mind that quantum computing is making huge strides right now so expect your mind to be blown when the breakthrough happens.
I am the kind of people that take advantage of those things I buy most of my computer stuff from the Dutch Ebay, to save me some moneys (also because everything not USA is really overpriced).
Hard drives do use about 8 times as much power compared to SSDs (2.5W compared to about 20W), but this still is not a lot. Unless you have many many hard drives, this won't have too much of an impact on your system - if at all.
Indeed. While they may be able to make something awesome, and really fast, they won't. They only do small upgrades, so people can buy new stuff every few years, and not buy something that will last them for 20 years.