Nation of Volt (ESTABLISHED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by rock00888, Aug 2, 2013.

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  1. Ok, cool. We have a cave spawner literally under Volt City so it would be really cool to finally have a grinder!

  2. Several new additions! This one is the Natatorium!

    This is a picture of the newly refurbished bridge.

    Here is the picture of the 269 blocks above the void! I have the one of 277, I cant find it ATM though...
  3. New mall is now complete!
  4. That's pretty embarrassing:p

    If anyones interested on why I screamed NOOOO, it's cause gollark flooded the Neorepopolis Underground.
  5. Wowowo looks nice il be there so. Role up role up come buy ur freshly cooked bread xD
    rock00888 likes this.
  6. Is Kitten not aha ply with the mall? XD
    rock00888 likes this.
  7. Oh I didn't even see that.
  8. 3 free houses available to new members of Volt! Join today to get a free house!
  9. Reminds me I'm governor and I don't have a house.... Xd
    rock00888 likes this.
  10. You could build a house, or buy an apartment.
  11. Id like to build more in volt. perhaps on the outskirts i could make a ranch?
    rock00888 likes this.
  12. That sounds like great! Next time you are on we can find a spot on which you can build one.
  13. Hey rock can I claim a second plot? Or a place to build? I have something I need to build it's not big.
    rock00888 likes this.
  14. Sure, I can give you a piece of land outside of Volt City. I prefer not to give second plots to people who already have one so that land is more evenly distributed within the city. However I can give you a lot of land outside of the walls!
  15. Ok sure that would work :) and I just noticed I have a 2nd plot the building you sold to me :) lol.
    rock00888 likes this.
  16. lol, so what are you planning on building on a new piece of land?
  17. Still looking for new members to join volt!
  18. I'm working on the first Voltian builders guild! this shall be a place for all voltian builders, pretty self explanatory...
  19. Hey Rock can i have a mining warrant? Just any where near volt.
    rock00888 likes this.
  20. Sure, Next time we are both on we'll work out where to put the new mine.
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