Nation of Volt (ESTABLISHED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by rock00888, Aug 2, 2013.

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  1. Huh?
    rock00888 likes this.
  2. We (wild and myslef) found a second montemous. I think they may have been spaning on top of the VFB. I have to go refind the screenshot...
  3. Ohh don't light it up :) we can make a farm lol jk
  4. Nah, it was my bad. I had renovated the top of the building and forgot to relight it.
    A montemous farm :O
  5. Remember to declare you are a signatory in your first post, thanks.
    rock00888 likes this.
  6. The first dark oak has been grown in Volt! It was very exciting!
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  7. An 11 story building in Volt City has been sold to JeffreyLi2000! I was the former owner.
  8. An 11 story building in Volt City has been sold to JeffreyLi2003! I was the former owner.
  9. I can't pay now I wil ASAP :)
    rock00888 likes this.
  10. k, no rush.
  11. paid btw its the one thats surounded with the leaves right?
  12. k, thanks. Ya, its the one with leaves. I have removed all of the signs labelling it as mine. It's all yours!
  13. I have added the current code of laws to the 3rd post on this thread.
    Also, If you have not heard yet We are in the process of building a museum. I am looking for any artefacts of any historical value that someone would be willing to donate.
    Here are the screenshots I have just uploaded.

    This is the very beginning of the construction of the museum!

    Here is a montemous that somehow spawned in Volt...

    Here is the half way done museum! All that's left to do is install glass and finish the inside.

    Here is a view of the gorgeous Volt City!
    devon699 likes this.
  14. The Volt City Subway is now 100% complete! I shall make a map that details all of the stops and such soon!
  15. PS diamond SO CHEAP! 50r each wow.
  16. Lol ya. Only in Volt!
    devon699 likes this.
  17. In case you haven't noticed we are redoing to rail from Wrem to Volt City to line it with stonebrick and achieve 2 way rail transit! These improvements should be complete by the end of the month. Currently they are approaching 75% completion!

    Until the completion of the rail usage of the rail is not advisable.
  18. Rebuild of Voltian line to Wrem is now about 90% complete. It should be finished very soon.
    devon699 likes this.
  19. New rail to wrem now complete! The new rail is now finished with stonebrick walls and a 2 way rail.
  20. Srry ain't been out there much been working on a base with some friends I'm gona go grinder hunting when I get back to c if I can make us an xp farm
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