[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. "Wow, that looks beautiful!" I start walking towards it, attracted by the glow, forgetting to check if Emily follows me. That was her name, right?
  2. I gently stroke Venom under his chin, smiling at his strange purrs. Monica hasn't come back yet, and it's been several hours. I turn to Chaos "Where do you-" but he's no where to be seen. Venom starts pecking at my ear, his way of telling me he's hungry. However, when I reach into my pocket I fail to bring out any food "Sorry little buddy, nothing left" I smile at him "Quickly solved though, right?" I raise my arm and he takes off, leading me further into the town "There's got to be somewhere that sells meat around here..." I keep my eyes fixed on the falcon
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  3. You suddenly realize it's a lava flume!
    (i forget, which town are you in?)
  4. I turn into a human and try to find bones.
  5. You're in a small hole with lava flowing outside, you can't find any

  6. What's a lava flume?
  7. (i may have used that word wrong)

    (im pretty sure i used that word wrong)

    (in this case though, I meant it as just lava flowing towards you)
  8. I jump back. "I believe you shouldn't be too near to that red stuff."
  9. (Throws computer against wall) I stay still.
  10. (no, really?)
    "I figured." She looks shocked.
    You hear some noises outside. The lava begins to stop flowing.
  11. "But it wasn't going to be dangerous, right?"
  12. ((Very good question, wherever Moni jumped and found Ace.
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  13. "It shouldn't have been... Why is lava coming out of that hole, anyways?"
    (but aren't you Mira? now im confused :confused:)
  14. (( Chaos told Moni that Sonaria had died, so Moni walked away to calm herself. Mira decided that it would be best to stay put with Chaos.
  15. Name : Zanken Jones
    Gender : Male
    Character Race : Human
    Current Home : In a huge, port, trader-town.

    AliceF3 likes this.
  16. That's the problem with having multiple characters :rolleyes:
    I make a short sound of shock, an upwards sigh. Never mind, explained that terribly, just ignore it xD "'Anyway', please..."
    "Well, it's a volcano, so the appearance of lava shouldn't be too shocking..." How fast is it flowing?
  17. ((Shush Sixx :p I need a bit of variation
    607 likes this.
  18. (sure, why not)
    (so uhm)
    (could you re-write your post?)
    Which city though
    (That is a terrible description)
    (it just emerged from the hole)
    "Still, i'm worried..."