[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. im talking about starting with a wolf xD
    the living forever thing doesn't matter, age doesn't matter in this game
    607 likes this.
  2. This suddenly got really dark

    Prince-chan, maybe while Hero is offline I can get Mira to do something? I genuinely love her (I love Moni more <3) and I'm dying to do something with her xD *glares at Hex*
    607 likes this.
  3. "..."
  4. well that got intense

    still need your answer to the other thing though.
    sure :3
    you arrive at the hole.
  5. "We arrived at the hole." "How do you feel about it now?" Sorry, I'm a bit ill, can't make too good posts >.>
  6. ((We can continue this now we've finished arguing about the wolf
  7. "What do you mean?"
  8. "Well, it was like you didn't really feel comfortable going here, while you were the one who suggested."
  9. I dig upwards and away from the lava in a slope.
  10. "I guess... I'm fine though, yeah."
  11. you go into the lava (Partially). You can't dig much more, and you're suffering extreme burns.
  12. You suddenly realize that you aren't in a bed.
    You can't remember where you are.
    Hex022103 likes this.
  13. ((Herooo :p
  14. "Okay. Do you want to go into that hole?"
  15. I run away from the lava. I wait until the lava has poured entirely out and then continue digging.
  16. "Sure."
    You can't dig, you're suffering from burns.
  17. I enter. How big is the hole?
  18. (About a meter squared)
  19. Uh, aren't you supposed to write something now?
  20. (yeah, i forgot :p)
    You see a red glow coming from the inside...